A couple of months ago I shared how I was getting fit with the Conqueror Challenge, and today I wanted to just take a moment to share how this has been going since then.
If you didn’t check out the previous post, in a nutshell, I am undertaking a virtual walking challenge and it’s encouraging me to walk more as I log my miles.
There are various challenges I can choose, all over the world, and the one I am walking is Land’s End to John O’Groats. It’s a walk of 1,083 Miles and I have challenged myself to complete this by the end of the year.
So, how’s it going? Pretty well!
As I write this, I have completed a little over 40% of my walk so I am on track to finish it this year, and I am hoping to shave a couple of months off that time. I want to then begin a new challenge and get stuck into it before the worst of winter sets in and puts me off my walks!
It’s just been the Easter school holidays here, which means I walked a lot less over that time. With no school runs to complete and kids that don’t want to walk several miles every single day, my mileage always drops during school breaks. I know this, that’s why I try to get ahead when I can and make the most of term times to walk.
That said, because I am now fully in walking mode, we do walk more than we normally would during these breaks, as I have an eye on my mileage each day.
Looking at my mileage so far this year, I’ve averaged 4 miles a day since I started this a week into the new year. I’m pleased with that.
Before starting this challenge, I would guess that I walked around 10 miles a week, so an average of 25-30 is quite a step up. As this is an average, I also know that I usually walk more than this during the weeks in term time.
I like to aim for 5 miles a day as a minimum during the week, and always feel good on an 8-9 miles day.
School runs, dog walks and the odd extra walk all mean that this just works and fits in each day.
Of course I have been losing the pounds, but more importantly, I feel much fitter. I don’t feel all of these miles, my body no longer aches from miles worth of movement!
Aside from this though, it’s more of a mindset shift. I walk a lot more now when previously I would have jumped in the car. In fact, the car barely moves during the week now, think of the fuel costs I’m saving!
I see opportunities to walk all of the time now, to appointments, to friends’ houses, to run errands, and of course Herbie is going on longer walks.
I love to walk. And I will stick with walking. I have no desire to become a runner, I like to walk.
There’s something mindful about walking, I like the thought of getting out there and getting some fresh air while clocking up a few miles. It can also be sociable as I have been taking walks with friends.
Four months into this challenge and I am definitely all in. I have found a way for me to keep fit that I really enjoy and that fits in well with my day to day life. I am a happy walker!
What do you love to do to keep fit? Do you walk much?
Well done you, it sounds like you are doing great. I think walking is the easiest way to exercise, especially at this time of year with the weather improving. There is the bonus of walking somewhere instead of using the car and paying for fuel. x
Thanks! It’s going well and the main thing is, I’m enjoying it so the habit is sticking x