It’s the New Year, so what’s new with you?
You might well be thinking ‘nothing’!
This whole new year, new you thing gets old, doesn’t it?
I think my problem with it is that there’s nothing about a new year that makes it more important or pressing to do something new. I mean, why not do something new in June? Quit smoking, quit drinking, start exercising, eat more healthily, all of the classic ones we hear at this time of year apply every day, don’t they? Quitting smoking the day that you decide to do it is the right time to do it, and that needn’t be January 1st. Or a Monday. Or a new month. Fridays in April work just as well.
But, I am a fan of ‘new’. It needn’t be now because it’s a new year, but it can be now just because.
I think new keeps us invigorated. I like new to keep me motivated, keep me smiling. I think everyone needs some ‘new’ in their life.
Now, how much ‘new’ varies hugely from person to person and current situations, so you’ll know how much ‘new’ you need.
It might be a complete upheaval like moving home, changing jobs or it might be trying out a new lipstick. New is quite wide ranging!
I don’t really like January, or winter. As soon as Christmas is over, I want spring to arrive. Which is why I like injecting that ‘new’ around about now, to lift those darker and colder months a little.
It works. It focuses me on things that aren’t the weather! It reminds me that no matter how complicated and challenging life can be, there’s always some fun to be had, something to smile about.
Small ‘new’ might be grabbing some fresh flowers with your food shopping, trying a new hobby, following a new make-up tutorial, reading a different genre, starting a new Netflix show, styling your outfit differently, following someone new and fun on Instagram, going for a short walk daily, trying a new food. You see, all of these and so many other things are small and easy to try, and they might just put a smile on your face.
I’m suggesting that you bring a little ‘new’ into your life, sit with it and then see how it makes you feel.
If it doesn’t bring you any happiness, try again or move on, you’ve lost nothing. But you have tried something new, and that might just lead to you trying something else new. Something else that you might just love. Have fun.