You’ll know that I love words and language here. Whether I be writing them or reading them, I find words to be fascinating and evocative, hence I created Word of the Week. I enjoy reading all of those language-based posts, finding out how people have chosen to sum up their weeks in just one word. Words are clever little things like that.
I studied English Language as one of my ‘A’ levels and I vividly recall the blocks around the history of language. Etymology still fascinates me, and from time to time I find myself pondering how certain words came to be a part of our language. With my Open University studies, I often find myself looking back and reading primary sources from days gone by and the language changes over even just a century, let alone a millennium are huge. It’s constantly evolving and changing, with new words coming from new technology, hobbies, science, different cultures and so much more. It is a fun thing to think about and learn.
But how about using words to ‘date’ you. Yes, I’m taking about your language giving away how old you are. The adjectives you use and the insults you mutter are a fun way to figure out how old someone is, so the team over at Sunlife have created a language quiz that determines your age. To try it for yourself, just click on the image below.
Now I have had a go at this, and somewhat worryingly, my language age is 50! OK, just add a decade or so to my age then! It is just a bit of fun and it’s interesting seeing the options available under each question as you can see how certain words would be in fashion at certain times throughout the past few decades.
So go on, have a go, and tell me how old your language makes you?
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post