I read a post by the lovely Tara over at Sticky Fingers Blog, where she has summed herself up in just one word. Just one. And then asked other bloggers to share theirs, too.
Yes, I’d love to do that, sounds fun. And then I sat here about to write this and share my one word and it got a whole lot trickier. I like to believe I’m a multi-faceted kinda girl. Complex, rather than simple! I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, businesswoman, blogger, and all of these roles draw on my different strengths. But that’s irrelevant, isn’t it, as I need to choose just one word.
Tara opted for ‘Positive’. I like that choice. I’d consider myself to be positive, too. I’m most certainly the optimistic, positive, moving-forward force in our marriage, which my husband happily acknowledges. But never fear, my happy, sunny outlook can never career off into impracticality, as I have my husband’s realism (read ‘negativity’ and ‘pessimism’ there) to bring me back down to earth…!
I asked some of my nearest and dearest what they thought. ‘Passionate’ said my brother. I like that. It says motivated and strong to me, and also covers an occasional temper! His wife chose ‘determined’, a word that had come into my mind, too. My mum gave me a few, ‘organised’, ‘tenacious’, ‘thorough’ and ‘quick-witted’. All good, though ‘thorough’ isn’t too accurate. I’d be more inclined to go with ‘slap-dash’, truth be told! I mistakenly asked the husband. I won’t share his suggestions…;-) After a few words that I chose to overlook, he did offer that ‘I got things done’ (not necessarily always well, he kindly added), but I do know what he’s trying to convey there. I have also toyed with ‘optimistic’, ‘bossy’, ‘ambitious’, ‘motivated’ and ‘bookworm’. But I’m not certain that any one of them sums me up entirely. Maybe no word can do that, and that’s the challenge, isn’t it?
But if I had to choose, I guess it’d be..
Not the prettiest sounding of words, but it is what it is. Like the husband says, I get things done.
Can you choose just one? It’s harder than you think..
That’s such an interesting little experiment when you start asking other to sum you up in one word. So you’re a very passionately tenacious, determined person 🙂
It was really hard to do – you should try it! Very interesting, though, yes.
This post is brilliant! Its nice that you ended up picking a positive word for yourself =] x
Thank you very much. What word would you choose?
Absolutely love the thought process you’ve gone through to get to your word. Just brilliant x
Thank you. I did find it really tricky – as you assured me I would! Loved the idea of it, though, thanks 🙂
You’ve really got me thinking about this, I’m struggling to find a word that totally sums me up. I think I may have to ask around!
It’s really difficult! Yes, ask around and see how you get on 🙂
Actually, that’s really rather tough. I’m not sure I could come up with just one but now you’ve asked I may have to give it a try! I like your thought processes too
It’s very tough – hope you do it as look forward to reading through your thought processes, too.
What a great idea. I think I’d have to go for something like ‘confused’ 😉
Ha ha – love that!