Papery Peep January 2015

Whoop, whoop, it’s Papery Peep time! Come and share your paper with me! This is a monthly linky, part of my #BringBackPaper series. This month, I’ll update you on my Read Write Create challenge,  but first, some new acquisitions…

OK, I may, may have popped into Paperchase again. I’m starting to think I should take out shares in that company! Anyhoo, I bought this little bundle….

january stationery purchases

All for a bargain £9.02! Oh yes, that was a happy day for me!

Next up, is my January activity. How did you guys get on with this one? It was to send some happy mail, and if you already do this regularly, to find someone else and send some more! Well, I managed this one on two counts this month. First up, I sent out a happy little bundle of letters to some of my regular correspondents, and I also added a little surprise note and goodies to a friend, the very lovely BrummyMummyof2…

happy mail January

I then sent a little more. After sharing with you Send a Smile in the Post with Post Pals, I knew I had to get involved. If you’ve not read this one yet, please do pop over and take a look. I’m pleased to say that many of you tell me you’ve been inspired by it and will be sending post, too. For my part, I sent out my first little parcel last week…

sending a smile

I do hope it did raise a smile with the gorgeous recipients.

Of course, this activity also ticks off this month’s ‘Write’ element of my monthly Read Write Create challenge. In addition to these letters, I have been completing my One Line A Day journal each evening, and am finding I am now remembering to do it easily enough! I have also been filling in my Book Journal, as I have read a few books this month, ticking off my ‘Read’…

books read in january

I enjoyed reading a variety of genres this month, and of the 5 books, 4 of the authors are new ones to me, too. I’d say I most enjoyed Prophecy, if ‘enjoyed’ is the right word for it? I whizzed through that in a couple of days, and it is a spooky one! I least enjoyed The Dressmaker. Despite it drawing me in beautifully initially, I found the characters began to exasperate me mid-way through and the ending was disappointing. I’m looking forward to Maggie Fenton releasing more books, as this was her debut and I’m keen to read more, and I’ll be looking out for more Tess Gerritsen from now on. I’ve read several Lackberg’s and have a couple more in my reading pile, too.

And then to ‘Create’. I found this a little trickier than the other two, but I was determined. So what did I come up with? A colouring book. An adult colouring book, which has been so calming and restful, I see this being a new habit for life!

dream catcher colouring book

So come on, tell me about your month in paper? Have you had any lovely buys, read great books, been on papery trips, received some gorgeous snail mail or taken part in the #BringBackPaper challenges? Whatever it is, if it’s papery, I want to read about it! Write your post, grab the badge from my sidebar, link up, and please do visit and comment on other linked up posts, too. Enjoy!

Linky closes at midnight 3rd February 2015

Do use the #BringBackPaper hash tag over on Twitter and Instagram to share what you’re up to, too. And remember to look out for details of next month’s #BringBackPaper challenge here next week, the stationery swap…

The Reading Residence
Stopping at two

Sharing is caring!

36 thoughts on “Papery Peep January 2015”

  1. Oooh will join in next month love this! I had some lovely stationary sent me form a friend and it really made me smile. LOVE your colouring book

  2. Love this! January seems to have refuelled my stationery addiction and after reading ‘Late Fragments ‘ by Kate Gross I am motivated to ensure I find the time to read for me. It’s lovely to read that as well as managing to keep such great content on your blog so have found a way to maintain and incorporate paper. And what lovely paper!!

  3. Love your papery peep for this month, especially that lovely bundle of stationery from Paperchase. I loved your Post Pals post and am hoping to get involved with this as well, such a brilliant idea. The colouring book looks amazing – colouring is such a relaxing activity 🙂

  4. Paperchase purchases were a BARGIN! Great find 🙂
    Love the look of that colouring book too!

    So… The idea here is …Link ‘anything’ papery? …Or a project following one of the themes you mentioned? 🙂

  5. There are no paper chases near me which is probably a good thing for my bank balance! I’ve linked in a post from earlier this month. I think I’ve been in some sort of time vortex and lost my bearings and plans for posts!

  6. Pingback: Of Friendships and Paper | Little Steps

  7. Oh I really need to up my reading game! I usually read about a book a week but only managed two books in January. I guess there’s still a couple of days left 😉

    Great Papercnase purchases and a fab price too! I really like your idea of happy post and sending someone a nice surprise in the post. I think I need to do this a bit more.

    1. Yes, there’s still time for another book! I love happy post, it really does raise a smile, I think, and it’s so easy to do x

  8. I’m so envious of your paper/stationary collection. I used to collect them too when I was young, and well into my late teens, but stopped. I never should have done that. Because of you, I have this yearning to start all over again! 🙂 #bringbackpaper.

  9. Oh no, I totally forgot about this! How useless am I?! And I even have a planner (but forgot to write anything in it….) We have those colour changing pens-fab aren’t they. You’ve reminded me too that I wanted to look out for colouring activities I could do with my 8 year old as we really enjoyed that over Christmas. Must get on it 🙂 xx

  10. Love the idea of an adult colouring book – I used to love colouring the mosaic style books my aunt bought me, perhaps I should look for one. And I need to read more – or actually that should be read less of the Internet and more on paper! X

  11. I love Paper Chase it all so cute, I get quite excited about it sadly. And do you know? since I got my kindle 4 years ago I haven’t touched a book. I do love it, but because there is no book cover i sometimes forget the title of the book i am reading. x

  12. Ooooh i love the Paperchase haul … They always have some really good bargains but our nearest one is 30 miles away 🙁 I’m a total stationary addict. My Filofax is all colourful with stickers and the like 🙂


  13. For read, I gave up on a book that was going nowhere and have just started finally reading Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith and loving it so far 🙂

    For write I wrote my very first #postcircle letters 🙂

    For create I’m wondering if your colouring book is by Johanna Basford as it looks similar in design to my Secret Garden one!

    (and for buy, because of you I shopped the paperchase sale online!)


    1. Ah, lovely to hear you’re into #PostCircle now 🙂 My colouring book’s by Christina Rose, and it’s so lovely and relaxing, isn’t it? And hooray to the sales shopping! Enjoy your book xx

  14. Pingback: #BringBackPaper Stationery Swap

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