Penguin in Love – Review

It’s always a good post day when we receive a book! The children are always excited, and I’d have to say I was just as excited about this one, as I am a big penguin fan, so I just knew that I’d love it…

Penguin in LovePenguin in Love by Salina Yoon

When Penguin finds a single mitten in the snow, he decides to search for it’s owner. Unbeknown to him, on the other side of the iceberg, Bootsy the penguin is busily knitting away and dreaming of finding her soulmate.

When both Penguin and Bootsy’s wool goes missing, they join forces to solve the mystery, and as the story unravels they realise that perhaps they have become more than just friends . . .

A heartwarming story of life’s biggest adventure – love.

This book is adorable on every level. The illustrations are lovely, and I instantly wanted to befriend Penguin. He is a knitting-happy little thing, as is Bootsy, clearly a soul-mate from the first! And the story is so sweet, and original – how many love stories do you know based on yarn?! It’s an uplifting picture book, that Boo already adores and has us smiling throughout. Boo’s favourite thing is that they ‘love each other’. As I said, adorable.

Thanks very much to Bloomsbury Publishing for sending us a copy to review.

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12 thoughts on “Penguin in Love – Review”

  1. Pingback: Found by Salina Yoon - Review | The Reading Residence

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