This week has been more about making choices about Project Garden than progressing it out there. Why? I wanted to plant up my herb box, so had a lovely trip out to a newly refurbished local garden centre, but then my mum advised me not to buy fresh ones yet as she was cultivating me various cuttings – not something I’m going to refuse! I was also looking at the rambling roses, but as I’m still waiting on the new fence, I don’t want to plant anything up in my beds. So we’re at a bit of a standstill. That said, Mum told me today that she has ordered my a rambling rose, along with a few other bulbs from some amazingly good value gardening mail order company, so whilst I can’t yet bring you the photos or get them planted, things are happening!
I can, in the meantime, bring you the clematis that I’m currently enjoying seeing in full bloom and a busy little bee – I’m happy to be seeing them everywhere at the moment, and plenty of butterflies. No ladybirds, though – are they all congregating in someone else’s garden this year?
I really enjoy the How Does My Garden Grow linky, and am getting plenty of inspiration from it. Last week, I was particularly taken with Dragonsflypoppy’s lavender photos, and so I now have a clearer picture of how my wildlife garden will look. It will be edged all the way round with lavender, hopefully forming a bee-haven border. I can show you some lavender cuttings that my mum now has on the go for me, as part of my ‘hand me down’ garden – a great phrase I’m now frequently employing, shared by Katie on last week’s update comments.
Our trip round the garden centre also sparked one last thing. A suggestion from the husband, who has hitherto just let me get on with my Project Garden plans (very good of him considering he’ll be roped in for all the hard labour work soon..!). Chickens. Yes, he thinks with our extra space we could pop a couple of chickens out there. Now, I’m still undecided about this and it may well be the last thing I decide on, but I think the surprise element here is that my husband is a very tidy and neat, kind of person, and can often be found bemoaning my suggestions for pets for the children, as they’re a waste of time (Hound excluded, of course!) This is all very out of the blue, but I’m embracing the idea and will continue to ponder. I’ve heard they can be smelly, which kind of flies in the face of creating a sweetly scented garden! If there are any chicken- keepers out there, it’d be lovely to hear from you – the warts and all of chicken keeping, please!
Oh I like the idea of chickens! They can also be beautiful, soft and eggs! Fresh Eggs! I don’t think our pooch would handle chickens well, which is the only reason we haven’t got them. I’m excited about your lavender cuttings!
Well, yes, our hound is a consideration there! I do love the idea of fresh eggs, though 🙂
Even without progressing you seem to be progressing! How brilliant your mum has got some cuttings for you and ordered that rambling rose. You must have been thrilled! If you’ve got the time to care for them, you should definitely get some chickens. How exciting! Thank you for linking up with #howdoesyourgardengrow
My mum is brilliant – my personal, unpaid!, gardener! Whether we have time to care for them is something we need to figure out – 2 small children, the business and a home to run can keep me busy..!
Herb cuttings from mum is so brilliant, she must have a green finger, lucky you! I couldn’t handle chickens, I know I would be the one to look after them, like the dog! Your life sounds a lot like mine! Lovely post.
She is brilliant! Mm, you might be right about those chickens, but will continue to consider..! Thank you & nice to know we’re in it together 🙂 x
sounds like you got quite the promising garden in the making so nice to have your mum there to help! love clematis, wish we could have it here.
Thanks, and yes, it’s lovely to have my mum’s help. Shame you can’t have clematis there – just too hot?
Thank you so much for the mention 🙂 I’m so pleased you are going for a lavender border. I sat sipping my tea just now looking at half a dozen butterflies and countless bees buzzing around it!
Wow you’re getting chickens – that’s great. My husband wants to get some too, so maybe we can compare notes indue course? xx
You’re very welcome – thanks for the inspiration! It just seems the perfect border for a wildlife area. Well, we may be getting chickens..! Still undecided, and luckily, have plenty of time before needing to decide. I like the ‘idea’ of them, just need to work out whether I’ll like the reality of them!
YES, we have hens and they are brilliant, I love love them. It is great to have a ‘pet’ in the garden that eats slugs and snails and also gives you eggs, for very little cost. Also love the idea of the lavender border, mmm
You do sound very enthusiastic about them! You are swaying me. Do they take much of your time up? I’m worried I won’t have time to look after them properly. And yes, I love the lavender – it’s on it’s way with those little cuttings 🙂
Oh I would love chickens but we just don’t quite have enough space. Get them, then I can come and visit!
Love this! So my reason to get them would be for you to poultry-keep vicariously through me?! We are seriously considering them, though, so you may be lucky.. 😉
Love the idea of the bee-haven and the hand-me-down garden 🙂 Looking forward to seeing the photos of your mail order plants once they’re all planted.
Thank you – I’m excited by it all! I’m looking forward to seeing it all, too. Just waiting on our fence to be replaced before we can really get going on the planting, but hopefully soon.. 🙂
I’m a chicken keeper! There are quite a few pictures of Minnie, Daisy and Clarabelle (yup Disney chickens) on my blog. Having eggs every day is brilliant and they are very comical to have around, a little destructful though, if they escape into your flower beds, they will scrape everything out in minutes. We recently moved the coop to another spot and they had the grass scratched off the ground in about 2 days! The quality of the eggs does make up for their sometimes bad behaviour 🙂
Love the Disney names! Their destructive nature is a little disconcerting! The fresh eggs obviously appeals and I hadn’t even considered their amusement value – thank you 🙂
I love the sound of your lavender hedge and a hand me down garden is my idea of heaven!
It’s brilliant! She has cuttings on the go for so many things now!