We’ve been pretty busy out in the garden these past few weeks, so I thought it was about time that I shared what’s been happening.
Regular readers will know that I started taking an interest in my garden last summer, and have steadily been adding things and changing it. You can read back over the updates here, along with my original post. I’ve actually just re-read that one again myself, to refresh myself on my initial ideas and I spotted that I’d given myself a deadline of the start of summer to have it all sorted – best get a move on then! Looking at it, and all the hard work we’ve put in recently, I think the end is in sight. It’s also interesting looking back at the photos of the garden last summer, as it all looks so full, whereas now it’s looking more ‘twiggy’ and bare!
On the list last year were:
Alliums. I fell in love with them and decided I needed some. Well, they’re in and they’re shooting up, with a few buds already! Hopefully I’ll have them blooming soon.
Fruit and Vegetable Patch. The strawberries from last year are all looking healthy and ready to bear fruit again, and I’ve ordered my blueberry bush and raspberries, so just waiting for those to arrive. The patch will all go on the sit of the old, destroyed shed, behind my cut-flower patch – see further down.
Herb Garden. I planted this one up last year, and it’s looking great.
Wildlife Garden. We’ve just started to build this, and it’s in an area right next to a buddleia which always attracts the butterflies. I’ve ordered my little trendy pond, though, stacked up bricks ready and will share all on this in a separate post soon.
More Climbers. Oh, yes. Over the past few months, I’ve added a couple more clematis, a honeysuckle, a jasmine and 3 roses – you know I love my roses! My aunt bought me a David Austin voucher for Christmas, so I now have a Sombreuil planted up, ready to train across the left-hand fence.
And then as the project progressed, I added:
Remove one of the Sheds. Done! It was kicked and shoved down by the Husband and my brother a few weekends back, and they then had fun burning it all, much to Boo’s delight!
This is what we were then left with..
Lots of clearing away of rubble, and now we can see the other shed behind, I see A LOT of ivy on that roof! Pulling it off, the roof felt and some timber came away with it, so clearing it all off and re-felting it was added to the job-list..! That was one we did a few days ago..
The roof is pretty rotten, really, but buying a new shed is just not on the list this year, so we did the best we could with it and added a little timber on top to keep that roof on!
Cut the Laburnum Tree Down. It was blocking out a lot of light, and I know the sap and leaves aren’t great and can be poisonous. A man with a chainsaw came a couple of weeks ago and got rid of it – hooray! In fact, if you’re Midlands-based, I’d definitely recommend using Elms Tree Services – they were great.
Flatten the Rockery. Done! The plants have been relocated, the soil has been redistributed all over the garden (Oh, how I ached the day after we did this!) and I laid a little path through it.
A Cut-Flower Patch. The old rockery is now my cut flower patch. I’ve a few perennials coming that I’ll plant in here, too, to give it some all year round life, and my flower seeds have been sown this week. I cannot wait to see those start to come up. I’ve been out there watering every evening, and will continue to eagerly look for any small signs of germination! These seeds..
are all now in here…
Create a Potted Area. I want clusters of pots gathered around by my buddleia, that I’ll use to plant up lots of bulbs and add flashes of colour. It can easily be seen from the kitchen window, so creating a nice view. I’ve bulbs and seeds in a few of them, and I’m waiting for more to arrive within the next fortnight so that they’ll all be full. I’ve also a few hanging pots that I plan to pop some trailing fuchsias in, again waiting for them to get here!
Kids Play Area. For this year, this will be on the deck, as Little Man’s still quite small so I want him near to the house! Next year, it’ll probably move up to the patio area by the shed at the back of the garden. This one’s done, and they have a playhouse, trampoline and the ultimate mudpie kitchen out there. We also have various ride-ons, their own gardening equipment as they love to help and tend their own mini-gardens, and the sand and water table will be out soon!
Where we’ve bare patches of grass, seed has been scattered, and the site of the shed bonfire is starting to improve with regular raking. Mowing has recommenced again, so I’ll keep mowing, sowing and raking until I have a nice lawn again! I’ve a fairly big order of bulbs, plants, shrubs and fruit coming soon, and I cannot wait for that to arrive! We’ve been out there a lot lately, and it’s nice to now be at the planting stage, with pretty much all of the landscaping and hard labour done. I’m continuing to keep track of ideas and inspiration over on my Project Garden Pinterest board, so when a flower or plan inspires me, I pin it! Planting the fruit and veg patch and building the wildlife garden will be next, along with planting up my delivery. I’ll bring you another update soon, as it feels like progress!
To give you an idea, this was the back of the garden last year..
and this is it today…
How’s your garden growing?
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I am so impressed with how far you’ve come! A task like this must feel like a huge achievement, considering you didn’t even like gardening this time last year!! Well done 🙂
Thank you! I’m delighted with it and so interested in it all now!
Goodness, you have been busy!
Oh yes! I ache!
Wow you have been busy – it’s looking great! I bet you can’t wait for that order to arrive!!
Thank you. I wake up every day, hoping that they’ll arrive!
Wow they’ve grown so well! They are lush now! Pretty! #HDYGG
Thank you x
Wow, looking good! And so exciting to have the blank canvas to play around with. I do love your pot section too 🙂
Thank you! Getting there now, and I love those pots, too. My lilies are coming through 🙂
You really have it all covered. Amazing amount of work you’ve done already. It really was a jungle. I think I win on the rustic shed stakes, though. Your shed looks in far better nick. Here’s to a successful growing season…….but only the plants we want to grow.
Thank you. Yes, lots of plants and no weeds, please!
Wow you have been busy, so much going on there!! Love reading your update and seeing the changes from last year, such a transformation!! Xx #hdygg
Thank you. It does look so different now and I can’t wait to see it burst into life!
What a perfect spot for a veg patch. You’ve really worked hard on this, I’m not sure I have the stamina these days! Looking forward to seeing more pics as it develops 🙂
Thank you. Don’t know where I’ve found the enthusiasm!
you work so hard and it really is showing off to be a lovely garden you should plan a Chelsea garden #hdygg
Thank you! I think it’s getting there & will pay off soon 🙂
Wow you’ve done such a lot! x
Thanks! Yep, lots of work!
Wow, you have got so much done! It is great to look back on pictures and see how much has been done! Lovely pictures x #HDYGG
Yes, really spurred me on looking back! Thanks x
Woah! What a great deal of work’s been done when you look at the before and after! How good to look back and really appreciate the work done – I can’t wait to see those pots all full of flowering plants!
Thank you for joining in again xx
Thank you! Oh, I can’t wait either. Thanks for hosting x
wow!!!! you guys have done so much incredible work!!! i too have wanted to add more climbers. jasmine sounds nice… love the way it smells. love all your terra cotta pots too!
Thanks! Climbers seem to ‘fill’ space nicely, especially with beautiful scents x
Ah! I remember the bonfire…we got rid of the shed but uncle Geordie took the wood away to burn thankfully!
What a transformation, you’ve been working really hard. Well worth it though, it’s looking incredible! Xxx
Thank you! Getting there now 🙂
You have done so much, well done
Thank you!
Wow! What a labour of love that is! What a vast improvement too. I love your cluster of pots to plant in, that will look stunning! x
Thank you. I can’t wait to get those bulbs planted and see the flowers
Wow you have made a difference, now you can have the fun bit, of waiting for all the new growth to pop up. #hdygg
Yes, I’m so looking forward to it!
Oh wow you can really see it taking great shape now!!!, cant wait to see all the little plants pop up 🙂 #HDYGG
Thank you. Nor me, and I will of course share the pics as soon as they bloom!
AMAZING! You’ve done a great job there and made such a difference already. I love watching the progress of projects like this as it gives me hope that one day I might do something similar!
Thank you! A real labour of love, and I’ve surprised myself as I’ve become a little obsessed with gardening now!
Wow what a difference! You have worked really hard xxx
Thank you!
Wow wow busy busy times for you! What is it with men and dismantling and then burning sheds?? Mine’s being doing that too this week. Can’t wait to see what you do with that new-found space. xx
Thank you. Oh, they were quite happy doing that! Looking forward to scoring off some flowers there soon – fingers crossed!
You’re getting on great Jocelyn! It’s all looking really well! Excited to see your flowers begin to appear xxx
Thank you! I cannot wait 🙂
Gosh! What a lot of work you’ve done!! It all looks fantastic 🙂 x
Thank you! A labour of love 🙂
wow, what a transformation from last year! it looks great and sounds like it was really hard work, well done! x
Thank you – getting there now! x
Burning stuff in the garden makes my husbands day too!
It’s ridiculous the joy it brings them!
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Gardens are a lot of work, we’re nowhere near finished with our garden yet but we’ll get there in the end. Looks like you’ve made some great progress with yours! #sharewithme
You know you’ll get there in the end, and it is all worth the work, I think! Thanks x
You have been busy. I think it is looking great, it’s so nice to see the end of the tunnel in the garden. We have been doing our garden since last summer and we have finally finished this weekend! It feels good 🙂
Hooray – bet it does feel good!
I love it Jocelyn, I am always right behind you on posts. hahaha I just started getting into gardening and am attempting to landscape my entire back yard by myself. EEEK It’s a work in progress. And it will be a long road ahead and I will be updating and bloggin about it. Its great to read your posts though as I know nothing about plants and flowers etc. I can learn from you as always. Thank you so much for linking up to Share WIth Me. As always I love your blog! #sharewithme
Oh, fabulous, I look forward to reading all about it. Should be fun!
Wow, you’ve done so much work already! It’s looking great and I love your plans. I really want to create a play area for the kids and a mud kitchen is high on the list 🙂
Oh yes, I’d highly recommend a mudpie kitchen!
wow that looks fantastic you’ve done so much work already!!! Great update post, looking forward to the next 🙂 x
Thanks very much. Getting there now!
All that hard work paid off! It looks lovely, and it’s great that you created a play area too.
Thank you! Oh yes, the kids need their play area, though to be honest, they invariably end up following me about and randomly digging 😉
Ooh thanks for linking up to #creativechallenge, you certainly have been creative in the garden, and it has made such a difference! xx
Wow that’s a big project! But it looks so good. I have no clue about gardening, but as we now have one after living in a flat for ages, I should start thinking about it 🙂
I didn’t know much either, but I’m starting to learn. I see many years ahead of me now filled with gardening learns!
Very impressive! There is something so rewarding about gardening, isn’t there?? I look forward to seeing it in full bloom! #CreativeChallenge
It’s becoming addictive! Thank you x
Lots of progress and lots of hard work too, i’m sure it will look great once you have finished. Our garden needs a good sort out, we’ve done a bit of tidying but much more needs doing! #sharewithme
Lots of hard work, but it feels like we’re nearly there now, so I’m looking forward to seeing it blooming this summer – hopefully!