I shop on-line a lot. I feel like I rarely shop in actual shops, in fact! I buy things for the kids, the home, gifts for people, toys, clothes, food shopping – yep, pretty much everything, all on-line. If I’m looking for DVDs, CDs, games, toys, quirky gifts, I think to check and see what Ratuken’s Play.com has to offer. They tend to have great prices and a huge range on offer. And it seems that things have just got even better over there, as they have recently launched not only a Home and Garden category, but also Hobbies and Crafts, Pets, and even Groceries. They have their #ReasonsToShop campaign running at the moment to celebrate the launch of these new departments and to spread the word, and so they got in touch with me to help with that word-spreading.
I had a mooch about in the Home and Garden category, as I’m really getting into my gardening now, and I needed a few new things for the house, too. I have to say, I got sucked in a bit, as there’s loads there, with so many well-known brands, too. I knew that I needed a new iron, as after many years, mine has pretty much packed in now, and so I chose…
It’s really good! Ironing is by far my least favourite chore around the house. I tend to do it pretty much every day, basically as soon as I have got my washing in, I iron it, so that it doesn’t build up, as then I really hate it. Now, I’m not going to tell you that this iron has now made me enjoy this, most tedious and tiresome of tasks, but, it has made it a lot faster and easier, and so for that I am extremely thankful!
And I then chose this…
This one might actually be a life-changer! Before opting for one of these, I took to trusty Twitter for a few opinions and the response was a little overwhelming! It seems that a slow-cooker is a ‘must’ in many, many homes, and so I thought we’d best get on it! We have used it, trying out Pulled Pork for our first attempt, and my, was it good! If you’ve yet to succumb and get one, I can say that they are very easy to use, apparently use less energy than a conventional oven, and make cooking for the family, easy and tasty. So yes, it seems a slow cooker is necessary in our lives, and we didn’t even know it 😉
And now that I have you wanting to browse over there, too, I’m pleased to say that I am able to offer one of my readers 3000 SuperPoints at Rakuten’s Play.com (worth £30 in credit). To be in with a chance of winning, enter using the rafflecopter below. Give-away ends 6th June 2014, open to UK entrants only. Good luck!
Have you explored the new departments? What tempted you?
Disclosure: I received the items mentioned FOC as compensation for this post, but all words and opinions remain my own.
I would buy the Steiff Teddy Bear Fynn In Suitcase Beige 28cm for my youngest daughter 🙂
I would love a new iron.
I’d put it towards Games Of Thrones series 1-3 DVD as I’ve never caught any of the show
We really need some garden furniture and they have a lovely natural parasol that would be a good start.
Some New Pans
Updating some DVD’s to blu ray discs
I would put it towards a new vacuum cleaner. Boring I know but mine just went to the big carpet in the sky!!!
Music is my 1st love, so music for me
I would buy some new CD’s & treat my Dwarf Hamster & Harvest Mouse to a treat
A box of Panini world cup stickers for my son and daughter
some books and dvds for my children
Something from my favourite band!
probably DVDs for grand-kids
I would buy a game for my hubby for our anniversary xx
There is a pasta machine that I really want on Play.com
breaking bad dvds!
Samurai Trilogy dvd
A new pair of jeans
Some DVDs
i would love a slow cooker
A dvd set
Music CDs!
id use it for my family who all have birthdays coming.dvds,music etc
Hobbit DVD for my dad 🙂
Dvd’s to keep the kids quiet in the holidays.
some game of thrones gifts for my partner 🙂
some new ps3 games 🙂
Some new DVDs
i would let my son choose something x he deserves a treat after all his exams!
Some Mr Tumble & ITNG goodies for my daughter 🙂
I need new saucepans
I would like some DVD’s as the TV is rubbish!
A new animal hoodie, thanks for the giveaway 🙂
A new game for the Wii
new frying pan
Bits for my garden
It’d have to be a new DVD – I’m desperate for the 24 boxset 🙂
I would treat the other half to Robocop :)x
Disney BluRays! x
a new dvd for my daughter xx
A couple of t-shirts.
I’d buy some new summer clothes
some herbs and spices and coconut oil
I’d buy some DVD’s
Maybe something shiny for the kitchen, pots, pans or some new knives
DVDs and games
I could really do with a new slow cooker too so I would go for that
hi i love these roses
Some DVDs and books from my ever-growing wishlist
I’m REALLY into Castle at the moment, so probably the latest box set of that. Yay! 🙂
Stunningly Inept
Oh, good choice- I love Castle!
I would spend it on Christmas Shopping 🙂
DVDs for my little boy 🙂 X
On some books & clothes for my son.
Some books for my daughter
an ironing board…how random
id spoil my son and let him choose something.
some new dvds for my little one, im getting bored of peppa pig over and over 🙂
I’d put it towards some new DVDs. Collection really needs an update!
some dvds
I would buy something for the kids or something for my lush garden!!! or maybe ill say sod it and actually get myself something for once!!
I would get some baby bibs.
The breaking bad dvd boxset 🙂 xx
Live Live Organic Natural Sunscreen
I would put it towards a 2nd PS4 controller so the boys can play together.
I’d put it towards a new radio
I would get my hubby2be some xmas stuff xx
Some good films to watch
some new pans
A DVD boxset for the summer.
I would buy the last bits and pieces on my Christmas shopping list, can never be too organised!!
Probably on some new saucepans
the wife wants a new kettle
I would buy Lego for my sons birthday. 🙂
I would get some Topsy and Tim books for my son and some 1D bits for my daughter
ice cream maker
Some pet food
New books and DVDs!:)
Some nylon utensils to use with my new non-stick pans.
New pots and pans
some new dvds
i need a lemon zester so probably would spend it on that or towards a new bin x
I’d love to get an ice cream maker!
Christmas presents
Some dvds for my children 🙂
Has to be retro sweets as I so need some energy whilst studying !!
Wow, there was so much choice! I would probably end up getting the kids a treat, or a some new saucepans!
Some relaxing music
planes disney blu ray
I’d spend it on a geeky tshirt for my dad! 🙂
DVDs and blurays, probably
some cute bedding 🙂
Books for my little girl
A new toaster
Some DVDs for my grandson.
The Office US boxset!
a lego playset for my daughter 🙂
Men’s VIPwees England Football Legends T-Shirt (White) for the footie
Some new CD’s for myself!!
The Walking Dead DVDs.
Towards new headphones for my boy!!!
A new sandwich press – or a game
An ipad cover
I really love some swimwear.
Another dog bed for my fur babies
some dvds
I’d get a new dress for summer
im collecting csi so ill get some more
Games for my son
Some DVDs.
some new headphones
Some books for my daughter.
I’d go for True Blood season 6, it’s only just been released and I’ve not seen it yet!
Probably an Xbox game for my boy
Some dvd’s or books for kids x
there is a gorgeous rustic wooden blackboard ive had my eye on!
a smoothie maker or pasta maker
I would put it towards a new vacuum cleaner
A new xbox game for my daughter for her completing her SATS
More DVDs – boring but true
A coffee machine
I would put it towards some DVD boxsets for quiet nights in when the kids are in bed!
Game of Thrones Boxset
breaking bad box set – to see what all the fuss is about!!!
I would buy myself a few dvds as I rarely spend money on treats for myself 🙂
a lego xbox game
Some DVD’s
Books for my commute
DVDS for the children
A new phone case 🙂
I’d gift it to my other half so he can be treated with a new ps3 game.
Some cds for my car
Some DVDs
I would buy a couple of new SD cards for my camera I think 🙂
Id buy the A5 Journal – I Need More Money & Power and other cool stationery
I’d put it towards the Malcolm in the Middle complete DVD boxset
mario kart 8 for my son
My daughter wants a Y flicker scooter for her birthday so I’d put it towards that 🙂
I would buy some dvds 🙂
I would put it towards this bench for my balcony as I have nothing to sit on out there: http://www.play.com/Home-Garden/Home-Garden/-/7524/6789/-/64467816/GARDEN-BENCH-3-SEATER-WOODEN-CAST-IRON-LEG-OUTDOOR-PATIO-FURNITURE-NEW-PARK-119cm 🙂 x
DVDs x
New kettle
I’d spend it on my husband for a playstation game off the kids for father’s day, he’s still a big kid at heart too, not quite into pipe and slippers just yet
Some footy t-shirts
Theres so much to choose I dont know maybe music CDs for my girlfriend.
disney infinity characters for the kids to keep them happy in the 6 week holidays 🙂
I’d put the £30 toward a coffee machine, love the smell of fresh coffee brewing.
I think a new game
Dvds, or a PS3 game for hubby to keep him quiet lol
I would get some Lacoste Red aftershave for my boyfriend
Some bits for my new flat – moved in this week 🙂
DVDs to get the kids to watch something different lol
A concert for George
We’re just redecorating our bedroom so I would buy something nice for in there.
things to put away for christmas
GTAV for the xbox 360
an iron
A Copy of Yoshi’s New Island 3DS (For me not the kids – I want to re-live my SNES Days) 🙂
A new PS3 controller
CDs – is ages since I bought any new music
Children’s dvds
A firepit for the garden! I really want one!
Dr Who DVDs, or Dr Who CDs, or…you get the idea.
I need an A3 inkjet printer so it would go towards that
A new video game for the kids x
I would buy something for my son x
A New Game 🙂
It would go towards stuff for the garden
I would put it towards a guitar I’ve had my eye on 😀
Game of Thrones! 😀
Garden stuff
Some books to take away on holiday 🙂
clothes for me or toys for my son 🙂
On some new music for the car.
i would buy games for the kids
new game for my son
I’d buy some new Dvds to keep me entertained