I used to buy Aldi nappies when Boo was a toddler, but until a couple of weeks ago, hadn’t got them for Little Man. It was just circumstance, as I simply hadn’t visited an Aldi recently. I was happy with them for Boo, so on a recent Aldi trip, I stocked up on nappies and decided to try the baby wipes, too.
Not sure you can really tell by the photo, but looking at them, they appear more bulky and ‘papery’, if that makes sense, than other brands we’ve used (Pampers, Huggies, and own brands from Asda, Tesco & Sainsburys). This does seem to just be a question of aesthetics over comfort, though, as Little Man appears just as happy in them and we’ve had no leakage or nappy rash as a result of him using them for over a week now. When Boo used to have them, she was old enough to talk, and didn’t ever complain (and she would have if she’d needed to!) He’s also had a couple of unusually long sleeps in the past week, up to 14 hours (remarkable!), and he’s still been dry in the morning.
At £4.49 for 48 (size 4), they represent brilliant value and I’m happy that Little Man is comfortable. I noticed the smaller sizes were even cheaper – just £2.99 for 44 size 2.
I was more nervous about these. We’ve stayed strictly with Pampers Sensitive wipes since Little Man was two weeks old, having found these to be the best for his very sensitive skin. But, we needed more wipes and I was stood there in Aldi, so I bought a pack.
I’m pleased to report all’s OK! They’re fine on his skin, and good quality for me to use, too – quite thick, moist and nicely fragranced. They’re 79p for a pack of 80 wipes, and I’ll definitely buy them again.
This is not a sponsored post. I just wanted to share my experiences with this range, and hopefully be able to save you a few pennies 🙂