Siblings August 2015

It’s the summer holidays. The kids are together 24/7, and they are enjoying being in each other’s company.  It took the first few days for them to settle into a new routine, and now Boo no longer asks to go to school and Little Man no longer wants her to! There’s the odd squabble over toys, activities or TV choices, but by and large, they are loving having so much time together. We’ve been away a couple of times, to Longleat and Bath, and then to Legoland and London, both thoroughly enjoyable breaks. We’ve then had countless play-dates, trips to the park and days out, and the excitement of new pets to choose and take care of. It’s been lovely so far, with so many sibling moments captured, as the pair of them are having fun …

siblings august3

siblings august1

siblings august

siblings august4

Oh yes, and if I ask them both to look at the camera and smile, this happens…

siblings august2


We’ve still another 3 weeks until Boo’s back at school, so we’ll be sure to make the most of them.

dear beautiful

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26 thoughts on “Siblings August 2015”

  1. I love that final photo – it has pure joy radiating out of it and those big cheesy grins are just gorgeous. Sounds like Boo and Little Man have been having a wonderful summer and really making the most of having that time together. The two black and white photos are just gorgeous – that water play looks like it was a lot of fun! 🙂

  2. Oh gosh, they both look so grown up all of a sudden! Lovely photos of them together this summer. I’m amazed how well ours have got on these holidays, I think we have had less squabbles than we did when Lucas was in nursery. There has been lots of family fun on the siblings post this month and it’s a bit sad it will be all change come September, they do look like such lovely little friends xx #siblings

  3. Aw, they look so happy together and really comfortable and glad to be in each other’s company. It’s lovely to read about a sister-brother dynamic, as that’s what I have and it’s really interesting to see how other brother / sister duos and their relationships are. Lovely, happy pictures!

  4. It looks like they play so well together. They’re at a great age too and your photos are lovely – enjoy the next three weeks before school starts x

  5. Lovely photos Jocelyn, they look like they are having so much fun together, hope the rest of the holidays are as much fun. And that last photo, that’s what happens to me too… 🙂 #siblings

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