It’s time for me to share a little update on my two this month, and initially I though that not much had changed. But there has been a shift, and it’s largely down to my daughter.
Boo and Little Man still play together, still giggle and conspire together, and last week saw them having fun on a ‘sleepover’ together – they both slept in Little Man’s bedroom, at their request, which they loved. On the surface everything’s the same but it seems that my girl is growing up.
We took them to the playground last weekend, nothing out of the ordinary there. It was busy, they had fun, but I noticed that for the very first time, it was Little Man leading his sister into the fray, it was Boo popping back frequently to us to check we were still there, it was Boo who stopped playing on things as soon as other children joined her. They had reversed roles, and it made me a bit sad. Whilst I love seeing my boy’s confidence grow, I don’t enjoy watching my daughter’s confidence dwindle as she becomes more self-conscious. I suspect this is just a part of growing up, but I want it to stop! She always had bags of confidence, and whilst I wouldn’t say she’s become shy now, she’s certainly not as self-assured as she was. Her brother was the one oblivious to those around him, enticing her to play.
I have also recognised that she relishes and needs more grown up time. She went to stay at my brother’s house for the first time at the end of last month and she loved it. Being the centre of attention and chatting away to her uncle and auntie boosted her. It was interesting, as though they had to face-time each other before bed, Little Man also basked in having us to himself, too, and when they got back together again the next day, it took them a few hours to get back to their normal selves as they bickered more than I have seen before. I’m now just keeping my eye on them to ensure Boo gets that time she needs to herself or with me, in amongst having Power Rangers sword fights with Little Man.
They are of course still the best of friends. I wanted to take a few shots and these were the best out of the twenty or thirty that I took as they were laughing and moving around so much!
Boo aged 7 years and 4 months, Little Man 4 years and 5 months. Love them.
ah its interesting isnt it mine are now 9 and 12 and love each other one day and want to be entirely apart othersd
This is what I have to come!
Aw it’s funny how they change and grow and sometimes slightly regress a bit. Ultimately the fact they are so close is lovely and the photos do show that bond. xx #siblingsproject
You’re so right, they get on really well so I am happy! x
It is lovely to capture their growing up, and when you do you realised just how much they can change within the space of a month or two.
Growing up is bitter sweet at times, but it’s lovely that you’ve identified that both Boo & Little Man enjoy time apart as well as time together. I know that mine are very close however as Mademoiselle is getting older she really does value mum/daughter time.
You have some gorgeous photos but I can imagine it took some time to capture with all that giggling!
I really enjoy stopping and thinking about their relationship each month as there can be little differences that I might otherwise miss. Oh, it took me a lot of photos to get these two! x
Oh I hope her loss in confidence in short lived x
As do I, thank you x
Wow how grown up do they seem here? Lovely photos and sounds like the perfect sibling relationship growing Jocelyn. Hope you are well. #siblingsproject
Love that last photo where Boo and Little Man are looking at each other. Interesting to read that they’ve swapped roles though and Little Man is more confident in many ways. Becoming self-conscious is part of growing up but I can imagine that it must feel quite sad when the confidence of early childhood starts to disappear and is replaced by being self-conscious. Hope you are having a lovely half term 🙂 #siblingsproject
It is a shame, as she’s always been full of confidence, but I suspect it’s just part of growing up x
I can relate to this as my littlest is much more confident that my eldest even with the 4 year difference but it also helps in some ways too. I think it is part and parcel of growing up and being aware of your part in this world x
I think you’re right, it’s just another part of growing up x