And here we are again, another month, another siblings update. Still pretty much in lockdown, though it’s been easing all around us in recent weeks. The kids are still home with me every day, as neither of them are in the school years that have been invited back into school. We’re pretty much still staying home, aside from walking Herbie, visiting my mum as she’s now part of our bubble and catching up with friends and family a handful of times in back gardens. The kids have not been to a shop since March, and I doubt they’ve really noticed.
Boo and Little Man’s Monday to Friday is usually filled with home school, gaming, board games, reading and having fun with whatever random and chaotic game of their own that they’ve created. They’re still up at 6.30am (I do not want to hear about all of those children who are having lie ins during lockdown – I know they exist, just not in my house) and they tend to get ready for the day just before 9am and we then get on with it. The days fly by, to be honest. The two of them are happy enough learning and playing together, they get on, just as they always have.
I do look at them and try to work out whether anything has changed during these weeks and months. Has their relationship shifted? Are they closer than before? And you know, I just can’t tell. They have always been very close, and now they really have little choice but to get along! I think it will be interesting to see how they are together after this enforced closeness ends, when they have more options about how they can spend their time. It might change, it might shift slightly, but I can’t see the day coming any time soon when they aren’t thick as thieves.
These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago at Shugborough Hall…
Boo aged 10 years and 9 months old, Little Man aged 7 years and 10 months old. Love them.
I am amazed at how well they get along. It is very sweet. My brother and I were the same age difference. I looked out for him but I enjoyed playing alone. Those ruins are very interesting, too. Here in the US, the whole return to school situation is a nightmare.
They do get on really well, it’s great to see and reassuring as they have been stuck together for a long time! I wouldn’t say the situation is good here either, we will see what happens come September.