It’s time for another Siblings update, and of course, it’s another lock-down edition.
You would think that having to spend this much time with each other would cause a lot of friction, but not so apparently. I mean, I would love to have some space of my own and some solitude, but it seems that’s just me! These two are happy to play together each day, with the main squabbles being over screen time. He wants to watch football and wrestling and she doesn’t! They play together on some games, but generally Boo prefers Animal Crossing and Sims, whilst Little Man prefers Super Mario and FIFA20. They play some games together and at other times have separate gaming time. Screen time aside, they are doing pretty well.
They are managing OK with home school stuff, we cover a fair bit each week. Boo has her moments when she is frustrated as Little Man’s work looks to be easier and therefore more fun than hers…well, he is three years younger so I would hope it would be easier! But on the whole, they both get on with it. We tend to cover the work the school sets, some of it together when I feel the topics can work for both of them, and then we make up our own stuff to suit moods and interests. We’re coping, we have our ups and downs with it, just like everyone else.
I’d say that Little Man is handling lock-down life a little more easily than his sister. He’s always been more of a home body, he is quite laid-back, and his needs tend to extend to a football and a garden, the TV, his toys and his video games. As long as I then feed him every few hours, he’s OK! Boo is very sociable, she loves to go on adventures and explore new places, she thrives with her friends at school and she is one big ball of energy. She is also quite mature and can get swept up in the emotional turmoil of this pandemic. Despite being so different, these two are getting one another through. They are the best of friends and they are partners in crime.
When I took these photos, it did strike me how grown up they are both looking in them…
Boo aged 10 years and 7 months old, Little Man aged 7 years and 8 months old. Love them.