I’ve been out in the garden a bit this past week, grabbing the few moments when it was actually dry to have a nose about at what’s been happening. I’ve been pleased to find that amongst the plants dying down and berries dropping, there are also signs of new life emerging, which has me thinking that spring could be on it’s way…
And I liked finding this little chap…
I’m loving seeing signs that it may all be about to burst back into life, but it is also a reminder that I really need to get back on track with Project Garden with spring around the corner. Back to planning and grafting, so more on that soon…!
So exciting to see the signs of spring appearing in the gloomy weather.
Nearly time to get out there and continue the gardening!
Can’t wait to see your bulbs in bloom aswell.
I know – it was lovely to spot it all starting to happen! Thanks x
The greyness has surely got to be drawing to a close! x
I definitely see more little signs of a change in the weather, please let us have a good Spring and Summer!! Love the red berry-such a lovely contrast 🙂
It’s pretty, isn’t it? Roll on spring!
Lovely pics! Now I am wondering if you can help with my quest to find out what one of my plants is as you have the same in your 4th pic down!! 🙂
I will find out and let you know…!
Nice photos. Hopping by via How does your garden grow
Thank you x
definitely signs of spring! i don’t like finding snails in the yard. they are bad for the garden…
I know – my mum hates them, as she’s a keen gardener. I admit I find them to be cute, though 😉
It makes me so happy to see buds and things poking out of the ground – come on Spring – hurry up and bring some sunshine with you!
Thanks for joining in again and sharing sweetie x
I was ridiculously happy about it – a sure sign that I’m into my gardening more than ever! Thanks for hosting x
You’re doing well. I will Tweet you some nice lighting ones I found in my files and 3 snails too. I really like the bud along with photos 2 and 3. Very nice. The camera I have has a super macro setting and also a tremendous zoom so it’s the only model I’ve found to cover both types of shot which is great. I’ve had others do one or the other but not both.It’s better to have a camera you don’t need to mess around with lenses that does the lot and can go in your pocket or round your wrist.That works best for me.
Loved your shots! And, of course, I now want your camera…
Yay! So lovely to see signs of spring. This makes me happy
Me, too! Thanks
Cheering…and never thought I’d say that about a snail!
I like that snail!
I love these little signs that spring is coming. So full of promise. Lovely photos x
It’s exciting 🙂 And thank you x
Gorgeous photos, I do ho[e you’re right and Spring is just around the corner, so totally fed up with the gloomy grey
Thanks. Yes, hope so, too x
So lovely to see some signs of spring, I wish I could say the same 🙂
I can imagine!
Good to see signs of spring but I am especially loving the shot of the snail shell, the colours and textures are beautiful.
Thank you – I do like a snail 🙂
ah, so lovely to see shoots! we (amazingly) have a few in our garden, though obviously the dog is trying to eat them! x
Of course she is!
Oh what is that lovely red fluffy plant growing on your tree that looks pretty special
It’s part of the tree – very pretty 🙂
Let’s hope we don’t get a late snow that kills of all the buds starting to peep out!! Love the snail pic 🙂 #howdoesyourgardengrow
No, I don’t want that! I love that snail shot, too 🙂
I really, really hope so! Even thought we’ve had no snow I am so tired of Winter now and need some Spring warmth. Love the snaps.
Absolutely. And thank you x
Lovely pics to see. I’ve definitely noticed the days getting that little bit longer now, even with the weather being dismal. Spring will be sprung before we know it! Which means our garden will badly need sorting… oh well, husband better get his gloves on (.
I really need to get out there! Helps that I’m getting into photographing it, as it forces me out!
Hooray for Spring starting to make an appearance! 🙂
I know – a relief!
Yes – it does seem that Spring is on it’s way … although we got rather a lot of snow in March here last year! Hopefully no repeat of that this year.
Oh yes, we don’t want that again!
I love seeing all the small signs of spring out there.
It’s lovely x