Silent Sunday & Week 2 #Project52By Jocelyn / Random Ramblings / 76 Comments Sharing is caring! Share Tweet Pin LinkedIn Email
Emily aka Twin mummy January 12, 2014 at 8:15 am Lovely photo – Emily from Reply
Kizzy January 12, 2014 at 8:26 am Someone looks very pleased to be up there, I bet you weren’t! Reply
Cathy Glynn January 12, 2014 at 8:28 am Definitely king of the castle, what is it with kids and climbing on tables that they find it so much fun. Reply
Charly Dove January 12, 2014 at 8:51 am Brilliant capture! I remember POD climbing everything in sight. She used to try and dive off the table! Hope you’ve not had to do too much rescuing! Reply
suzanne3childrenandit January 12, 2014 at 9:13 am He looks very pleased with himself! Lovely capture 🙂 Reply
Kate @ Family Fever January 12, 2014 at 9:29 am Lovely photo – King of the Castle! #silentsunday Reply
RachJ January 12, 2014 at 9:38 am Ahhh, great shot. When I was little my grandad and aunt used to stand opposite sides of their dining room table and push me between them – said I was helping them do the polishing! A long time ago of course….! Reply
admin January 12, 2014 at 11:19 am If I started to do that, it’d be the best game ever, and he’d be clambering up there all the time! Reply
Mummy Wife Woman January 12, 2014 at 9:58 am He made it. He does look very pleased with himself! Reply
chantelle hazelden January 12, 2014 at 10:11 am Haha definitely got that climbing mastered 😉 x Reply
Carolin January 12, 2014 at 10:22 am Cheeky little monkey. He looks rather pleased with himself x Reply
Mary @over40andamumtoone January 12, 2014 at 10:40 am Love it – a how did I get to be up here shot! Reply
Notmyyearoff January 12, 2014 at 12:02 pm Soo cute. Reminds me of Z, who has those same pjs and loves climbing everything! Reply
City Coastal Lifestyle January 12, 2014 at 12:54 pm Love it, so cute, love the jazzy outfit too, mine does stripes and flowers too 🙂 Reply
LearnerMother January 12, 2014 at 6:41 pm Oh, someone looks VERY proud of themselves! Lovely pic 🙂 Reply
Nikki Thomas January 12, 2014 at 9:37 pm What a gorgeous girl! She looks very pleased with herself. Reply
Mama and More aka Zaz January 12, 2014 at 10:25 pm Just about to do mischief or just done some?! Reply
Little Likely Lads January 13, 2014 at 9:19 pm “Look mummy at what I can do all by myself, I bet you are happy to see me up here!!” …..cute! x Reply
Luci - Mother.Wife.Me January 14, 2014 at 10:42 am Life is such an adventure at that age! #Project52 Reply
Faded Seaside Mama January 14, 2014 at 9:21 pm There’s a definite look of mischief on that face! Reply
Elaine Livingstone January 15, 2014 at 9:11 pm he looks very happy to be up there, love how little monkeys will get everywhere. We have the same table and chair set. Reply
admin January 15, 2014 at 9:44 pm He was very happy there – and constantly is as he gets up on any high tops! Reply
Lovely photo – Emily from
Thank you
Someone looks very pleased to be up there, I bet you weren’t!
He’s forever getting up there!
Definitely king of the castle, what is it with kids and climbing on tables that they find it so much fun.
I don’t know, but it drives me mad!
Brilliant capture! I remember POD climbing everything in sight. She used to try and dive off the table! Hope you’ve not had to do too much rescuing!
There’s been constant rescuing!
Love this, he looks soooo happy 😉
Oh yes, he was happy!
He looks very pleased with himself! Lovely capture 🙂
Yes, very! Thanks x
Lovely photo – King of the Castle! #silentsunday
Thank you, and yes, exactly! x
Aww very cute xx
Thank you x
Ahhh, great shot. When I was little my grandad and aunt used to stand opposite sides of their dining room table and push me between them – said I was helping them do the polishing! A long time ago of course….!
If I started to do that, it’d be the best game ever, and he’d be clambering up there all the time!
He made it. He does look very pleased with himself!
Oh, he was!
Haha definitely got that climbing mastered 😉 x
No doubt!
Cheeky little monkey. He looks rather pleased with himself x
He is a cheeky monkey, and yes, he was delighted! x
Love it – a how did I get to be up here shot!
Oh, he knew – mischievous little man!
ah the old polishing the table with your bum trick!
Ah yes, you know it!
looks like someone is going having fun! lol
Oh, he certainly was!
Soo cute. Reminds me of Z, who has those same pjs and loves climbing everything!
Ah, that’s lovely x
So cute – looking very pleased with herself!
He was very pleased!
Love it, so cute, love the jazzy outfit too, mine does stripes and flowers too 🙂
Thank you very much x
What a cutie! Looking so pleased to be up there x
Thanks, and yep, he was pleased!
Seriously cute.
Thank you x
Heehee, cheeky! But very cute 😉
Thanks 🙂
Aww such an adorable smile
Thank you x
Once they start climbing you’re in trouble!
Tell me about it!
But can he get down on his own?
I don’t give him the opportunity to try!
Love the mischievous look of delight in his face
Oh yes, he has that look a lot!
Oh, someone looks VERY proud of themselves! Lovely pic 🙂
He was delighted! Thanks x
giving the splits a go?
Why not, eh?!
he is finding that very amusing, cute! x
Thank you x
Ah, climbing again! Very cute though! x
Half the problem. Difficult to be stern with that cute face!
What a gorgeous girl! She looks very pleased with herself.
Thank you x
Oh, the climber, he seems so pleased with himself 🙂
He’s delighted, of course! X
Just about to do mischief or just done some?!
Well, he certainly shouldn’t have climbed up there!
Yup, rescuing is your word 🙂
No doubt! X
“Look mummy at what I can do all by myself, I bet you are happy to see me up here!!” …..cute! x
Oh, I was just delighted! Thanks x
Life is such an adventure at that age! #Project52
I know – I’m hanging onto his coat-tails!
There’s a definite look of mischief on that face!
It’s a look that I see all too often! X
lol someone looks pleased with themself x
Very! X
he looks very happy to be up there, love how little monkeys will get everywhere. We have the same table and chair set.
He was very happy there – and constantly is as he gets up on any high tops!