Fab pic, so colourful and isn’t it great all the old toys and programs are coming back these days, makes being interested in those so much easier #silentsunday
These little dudes are taking over in your home aren’t they?! What mind came up with naming turtles after great renaissance artists, and then made it into multi million pound success!!
Toys like these are timeless. Great photo and have fun!
Oh yes, my daughter adores them.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! My daughter loves these!
Mine, too!
Looks like some little one is going to have fun with these! Colourful photo #silentsunday
Oh, yes, she loves them!
fight time maybe?? x
They get up to all sorts!
Fab pic, so colourful and isn’t it great all the old toys and programs are coming back these days, makes being interested in those so much easier #silentsunday
Yes, very true – I already know the characters, so not new ones for me to learn!
Turtle Power! Completely cowabunga photo! 🙂
Thank you!
TMNT!! Been a while since I’ve seen these!!
They’re back!
Love it, you can’t beat a bit of turtle power!
Nope, they have it all!
My boys used to love their turtles, can’t believe they have reappeared x
Yes, my daughter loves them!
My boys have never got into these. Me and brothers when we were little on the other hand lol. Great time!
I love TMNT back when I was in junior school, I feel so old that it’s come back around again!!!
Yep, me, too!
These little dudes are taking over in your home aren’t they?! What mind came up with naming turtles after great renaissance artists, and then made it into multi million pound success!!
A genius, Iona, a genius!
love this x
Thanks x
This reminds me I must get hubby to get his Turtles out of the loft (he kept his from when he was a boy!)
Oh yes, give them a revival!
Fabulous picture – colourful, quirky and a bit retro!
Thanks very much 🙂
LOL – those pesky turtles really are taking over your life aren’t they?!
Oh yes!
Turtle Power!!! Fab photo x
Thanks! x
Ooh Turtles! Wonder what they were up to?
Boo specifically requested they be photographed!
Heroes in a half shell, turtle power! I remember as my sister was turtle mad as a kid 🙂 x #SilentSunday
As was my brother 🙂
Am resisting the urge to start singing… “heroes in a half shell, TURTLE POWER!”
What a great walk down memory lane.
Don’t resist it!
They are ready to be called upon. I love the ninja turtles! They are a classic.
They really are!
These bring back memories, though I don’t remember them being so colourful.
My daughter loves them 🙂
Gorgeous shot! Fab perspective! LOVE the TMNT x
Thanks very much. Oh, Boo adores them!
I know some boys who would still love those, even if they are all secondary school age.
They span all ages – my brother would still play, at 34!
What a colour team of action heroes.
Yes, Boo’s current favourite toys!
They are great colours aren’t they?! Looks like they’re just waiting to be played with!
They’re getting plenty of play!
Yay turtles!! I used to love them when I was little!
My daughter has just discovered them!
Brilliant, my boys love them 🙂 Have to admit I quite liked them when I was younge too!
Boo loves them!