Silent Sunday & Week 3 #Project52By Jocelyn / Random Ramblings / 68 Comments Sharing is caring! Share Tweet Pin LinkedIn Email
Sarah MumofThree World January 19, 2014 at 7:24 am Cute photo! You can see how much he wants to join in 🙂 Reply
Jeannette @autismmumma January 19, 2014 at 7:35 am Like the way he’s watching very intently what his sis is doing, nice photo 🙂 Reply
Iona@redpeffer January 19, 2014 at 8:32 am I can see why you wanted to capture that moment-lovely 🙂 Reply
admin January 19, 2014 at 11:18 am It was, and then he threw the crayons on the floor and toddled off…! Reply
Charly Dove January 19, 2014 at 8:56 am Hard at work on the next masterpiece – fabulous capture 🙂 Reply
Colette ("We're going on an adventure ....") January 19, 2014 at 9:05 am Good pencil grip there Missy 😉 Reply
Rosie @Eco-Gites of Lenault January 19, 2014 at 9:34 am Lovely picture – learning through play, wonderful! Reply
oana79 January 19, 2014 at 10:28 am Oh, big sis seems to have a calming influence, my climbing shenanigans in this pic 🙂 Reply
Carolin January 19, 2014 at 10:40 am They are so cute. They always look like the best of friends in your photos x Reply
admin January 19, 2014 at 11:27 am Thank you. As luck would have it, they are the best of friends 😉 Reply
Notmyyearoff January 19, 2014 at 12:05 pm Love how your littlest is studying your daughter to see what she’ll draw. Z is mostly obsessed with cutting up card at the moment Reply
City Coastal Lifestyle January 19, 2014 at 12:05 pm what a lovely photo, so sweet, I see the blur on the little ones hand, tempting to join in. Mine loves to “draw” & I keep them all 🙂 Reply
brummymummyof2 January 19, 2014 at 4:43 pm So cute! Can’t wait till my boy is a little bit bigger and do more with his sis #silentsunday xxx Reply
sarahhillwheeler January 19, 2014 at 5:10 pm The other crayon is always brighter! Sweet picture. Reply
Kate @ Family Fever January 19, 2014 at 7:07 pm Look at his little face, watching the next masterpiece in production! Cute. #silentsunday Reply
Sara (@mumturnedmom) January 19, 2014 at 7:34 pm What a lovely moment 🙂 The wee girl like to sit like that and watch… How long did it last?! Reply
Sarah January 20, 2014 at 10:09 am Lovely picture – he is really taking in her masterclass, his look of concentrated learning is lovely! Reply
suzanne3childrenandit January 20, 2014 at 10:25 am The concentration here is wonderful! Great pic 🙂 Reply
Californian Mum January 20, 2014 at 10:45 pm That’s like my little boy, he always wants to try to do things like his sister. Reply
TheBoyandMe January 25, 2014 at 12:43 am What a lovely scene to see both of them being so creative. Thanks for linking up to Project 365. Reply
Hard at work producing the next masterpiece
Cute photo! You can see how much he wants to join in 🙂
Oh, he went on to create, too 😉
Like the way he’s watching very intently what his sis is doing, nice photo 🙂
He is pretty nosy like that 😉
Look at the concentration!!! x
Oh yes! x
I can see why you wanted to capture that moment-lovely 🙂
It was, and then he threw the crayons on the floor and toddled off…!
Learning from his big sister, lovely!
Always 😉
Hard at work on the next masterpiece – fabulous capture 🙂
Thank you, she is very industrious!
You’ve captured a lovely moment!
Thank you 🙂
Good pencil grip there Missy 😉
She’s fab at her drawing – loves it!
They look hard at it! x
Lovely picture – learning through play, wonderful!
Thanks very much x
Oh, big sis seems to have a calming influence, my climbing shenanigans in this pic 🙂
Hmm, he climbed to get up there though…!
Very cute!
Thanks! x
They are so cute. They always look like the best of friends in your photos x
Thank you. As luck would have it, they are the best of friends 😉
That’s such a lovely relaxed moment!
Thank you x
Love how your littlest is studying your daughter to see what she’ll draw. Z is mostly obsessed with cutting up card at the moment
Oh, not had that obsession here – will avoid card-cutting!
what a lovely photo, so sweet, I see the blur on the little ones hand, tempting to join in. Mine loves to “draw” & I keep them all 🙂
I confess I do not keep them all. There are so many! x
Very hard at work! Lovely photo!
Always! Thanks x
How sweet – ‘ watch and learn with big sis ‘.
Thanks x
Aw, he looks so desperate to want to do the same!
Oh don’t worry, he did join in! Loves his crayoning 🙂
So cute! Can’t wait till my boy is a little bit bigger and do more with his sis #silentsunday xxx
Thanks – that time will come! x
awww so so lovely honey xxx
Thank you x
The other crayon is always brighter! Sweet picture.
So true! Thanks x
ooo what are they making?
Just a little drawing 🙂
Such concentration
Oh yes! X
Look at his little face, watching the next masterpiece in production! Cute. #silentsunday
He’s learning from a master! Thanks x
What a lovely moment 🙂 The wee girl like to sit like that and watch… How long did it last?!
Ah, it was fleeting..!
Busy, creative chaps. Good stuff.
Yep, they like to draw 🙂
Aww, he is looking at her to join in. Bless him!
He joined in, don’t you worry!
Lovely picture – he is really taking in her masterclass, his look of concentrated learning is lovely!
Thank you 🙂
The concentration here is wonderful! Great pic 🙂
Thank you x
That’s like my little boy, he always wants to try to do things like his sister.
It’s very sweet to see 🙂
Such a sweet pic. Look at the little one’s eyes! How eager.
Thank you 🙂
What a lovely scene to see both of them being so creative.
Thanks for linking up to Project 365.
Thank you & thanks for hosting x