The Birthday Cake Moment

Little man will be one tomorrow. I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone by, but I know I’m definitely right on this one – it is really his birthday tomorrow! We’ve decided to celebrate this special time by having little treats for him each day, rather than one full-on day. On Saturday we went to the park, farm and had a picnic with my mum, my brother and his wife – a fab time was had by all! And then yesterday is was that most momentous of occasions – the cake and ‘Happy Birthday’ song, at my in-laws house, with my husband’s family and close friends. I had heard Boo telling her daddy earlier in the day, in a tone that suggested a well-thought our argument had formulated in her mind, that she would be needed to blow Little Man’s candles out for him, as his big sister, and as he still struggles with this. Very thoughtful of her 😉 And so that is the magic moment that you see here…

birthday dino cake1In the minutes before this was taken, he was particularly enamoured of the dinosaur candles, and all of them had been pulled out, prodded back in (his cake was beginning to resemble a pin-cushion) and a chosen few had been tasted. It’s his birthday, so his choice…!

I’m linking this post up today with the brilliant What’s the Story? and the fabulous Magic Moments, so do pop over and see what they’re all about.

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20 thoughts on “The Birthday Cake Moment”

  1. Wow Little Man’s cake is awesome! It sounds like he thoroughly enjoyed giving it a good poke! Seems you’ve had a great few days too. Happy birthday for tomorrow! Thank you so much for sharing with #whatsthestory

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