I adore this photo. I love the chaos of a birthday morning that it represents. Boo sitting there amidst paper, cards and strewn gifts. The husband on the edge futilely trying to tidy up around her. Little Man, in motion, wreaking havoc wherever he goes. Boo ripped open cards and presents at the speed of light, Little Man waddled from torn bits of paper, to envelopes, to toys with such delight, grabbing and prodding everything that he could lay his little hands on, while we kept up a constant round of moving things out of his way, whilst trying to allow Boo to play with everything that she wanted.
It was madness. It was magic 🙂
Birthday chaos is the best chaos ever!
It really is!
Birthday chaos is just brilliant isn’t it. I hope Boo had the best day, it definitely looks like it got off to a great start. Brilliant photo, I love Little Man in the background! Thank you so much for sharing with #whatsthestory
It was wonderful, thanks. And thanks for hosting x
Gorgeous photo. There is little in life that can compare to the excitement of a child on the morning of their birthday #MagicMoments
You’re so right. It was lovely to see x
Birthday chaos is right up there with Christmas chaos, great times x
Yep, both totally mad! Great fun x
Ahhh happy birthday to her!
Thank you 🙂
The best kind of chaos there is.
Without exception 🙂
Aww! Lovely moment!! Birthdays are just the best x
They are – it was great 🙂 x
I adore birthday photo’s. looks like a fab time was had by all
Mort definitely. A great moment captured 🙂
awww i love this too in our house, its such a great time 🙂
thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments
Very special 🙂 Thanks for hosting x
I love birthday mornings for the very reasons you have blogged about!
They’re just brilliant – loved it!
Aww how lovely – we had a birthday in our house last week too so similar scene.
The very best of scenes! 🙂
I love Little Man on the move in the background! Happy Birthday to your daughter, another year older 😉
He was constantly on the move – so excitable! Thanks x
So true, the best part of birthdays is that moment when they rip apart all the paper to see their presents and are so pleased. 🙂 hope she had a really lovely day!
It’s just total chaos for a very happy half an hour – loved it all, thanks x
Love birthday and christmas chaos.
The best kind of chaos
Perfectly sums up a bday morning here too, except that hubby would probably not be tidying but trying to rescue toys from twist ties! x
Ah, the twist ties! We actually didn’t have any this time, now you mention it. Very unusual! I’m sure we’ll make up for it Christmas Day!
Happy times birthday and Christmas mornings.
The best 🙂