Hello, and welcome to this month’s #BringBackPaper activity, it’s a party! There will be papery peeps, prattle and prizes, and the more the merrier! The team over at Zazzle have kindly agreed to sponsor it for us, so they’ll be providing us with some goodies.
When is it?
Wednesday 24th June, 8pm on Twitter. The last Wednesday of the month is always Papery Peep day here, so it seems fitting that we have our party that day, too.
How can you get involved?
– Be there!
– Get some photos ready to share with us, things like favourite reads, new buys, pretty stationery. I’ll be inviting people to share during the party.
– Chat and RT during the party
– Look for the hash tag on Instagram and Twitter, as this is always in use so will get you connecting with other #BringBackPaper fans
If you like the idea behind #BringBackPaper and have joined in with any of the activities I’ve run here, I’d really appreciate you helping me to spread the news about the party. It’d be lovely to have lots of like-minded folk chatting together and get more people behind what we’re up to, too. It’s been so lovely to hear from many of you that #BringBackPaper has got you reading more, keeping a journal, discovering a new hobby, relaxing through colouring books or penning letters again. I’d like to hear more of that going forward and this party is about celebrating what we’ve been up to and finding others who might like to join in with the papery fun.
Will you be there?
I’ll be there!! Putting it in my diary now.. xx
Fabulous! Thanks xx
I’ll be there! I’ll pop it in my diary! I’ll also be doing #bepbb from 9 so if it’s still running I might not be so active then x
Lovely! Thank you xx
I’ll definitely be there 🙂 x
Fabulous! x
I’m hoping to make it, is in the diary, but it’s the last day of term up here so I may have a demob happy 9 year old refusing to go to bed on my hands!
Hope to see you there then! x
We will be there! Love the idea of a Twitter party!