While becoming proficient in reading is of paramount importance, it is still deemed a problem across the world. According to a National Assessment of Education Progress test in 2013, 65% of fourth graders were able to read at a below proficient level.
Teaching our children how to read properly is a task in itself, which is very important in order for our children to develop. Reading is a fundamental of education and should be considered key when growing up. The faster children are able to read to a good level, the quicker they will be able to broaden their horizons through a myriad of different resources.
However, not all children have the same accessibility to reading material, and don’t have education readily available to them like much of the Western world. In Africa and parts of the Middle East, countries are torn apart by war and are suffering from poverty, thus families cannot afford education, or it just simply isn’t available. Thus, many charities nowadays aim to help children attain the best possible chance of gaining an education through sponsorship programs.
Additionally, there are a lot of noteworthy charities that provide books to communities, children and schools that cannot afford to source their own. But it’s not just poverty stricken families that charities hone in on – some are looking at issues closer to home. With that in mind, we are going to take a closer look at some of the charities a 2015 Huffington Post article covered, detailing charities that are making a huge impact currently across a myriad of verticals.
1 Book Aid International
Since it was founded in 1954, Book Aid International has helped distribute books to hospitals, schools, rural communities, prisons and refugee camps in Africa and the Middle East. According to the organization they have sent more than 30 million books to the poverty stricken areas since their inception. Visit the website and you can learn how to donate money for books.
2 United Through Reading
We all know someone in the military, and are well aware of how difficult it is for them when one of their parents is deployed on a mission. Representatives of United Through Reading visit military bases and “films parents reading books to their kids back home.” The website states: “Our program creates emotional connections between parents and their children, supports literacy, and makes homecomings easier.”
3 Room to Read
In collaboration with many governments and communities mainly in developing countries, RtR focuses on “literacy and gender equality in education,” according to the Huffington Post. The nonprofit has worked with communities to build libraries, schools and other resource areas whereby children has access books for educational purposes. RtR has worked in countries such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Zambia, South Africa and Vietnam. For more information, visit their official website to read many of their testimonials.
*This is a collaborative post
Fabulous post. I’ll be sharing this, thank you so much x
Thank you!
World Book Day and International Book Giving Day are also great at raising people’s awareness of how important reading and books are. Their websites also have information about how individuals can do their bit to help those who have little or no access to books.
Brilliant, thanks.
Interesting post! Wow 65% is alot. I dont recall world book etc happening when i was in school but hopefully it encourages more kids to read. More kids should be reading especially if they have the resource. Can we blame technology, game consoles, social media etc?
Possibly, though books are still there, still available, so they need to be engaging.
Hey, great share…..
I agree that books are our friends in a real sense. They demand nothing from us. They give us plenty of joy. We also learn a lot from them. They take us into a different world of imagination. Good books improve our standard of living. They tone up our intellectual taste they make our outlook broad. They console us when we are depressed.
Thanks for sharing this post. Keep sharing more….
I totally agree. Thanks, will do!