The New Reading Residents

Last year, for Boo’s birthday, we bought her her first pets (the dog aside, of course). Mickey and Minnie the goldfish arrived, and she was so excited by them. And then, as goldfish do, they, erm, died. Since then the tank has sat empty in the kitchen, gathering green stuff, until last weekend, when the Husband and Boo decided to clean it, spruce it up, and make it ready for new inhabitants.

With the tank looking beautiful once more, we went to visit my brother in the aquatics shop he runs, and made our pet selections. It was nice to make it a family visit along with a new fish day! Now, I loved seeing my brother, but the best bit of the visit? A fish jumped out of a tank that Boo was looking in and slapped her on the cheek, on it’s descent down to the floor. She thought it was brilliant – and it was, of course! I still giggle about it as I type this…

Fish chosen, we returned and introduced them to their new home…

new fish

We have 2 dalmatian mollies, 3 guppies and a bristlenose pleco (though you can’t see him there, he’s always off lurking somewhere out of sight) We’ll add another 6 fish next week, once these have settled in OK, as we didn’t want to add them all at once and risk death to all!

The kids love looking at them. They both rush down to see them in the morning and they both say ‘goodnight’ to them every night before they go up for their baths and bedtime. Of course, Little Man has also tried to put his hand in once or twice, too, but I’m hoping that phase will soon pass…!

Do you have any fishy residents?

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20 thoughts on “The New Reading Residents”

    1. Ah, she’s still deciding! She tells me different names every time I ask, so I’m waiting for it to settle!

  1. Oh lovely, we’ve just put a fishbowl tank up in the living room of our new house with tropical fish in, we had a huge one in our London home but have given it to my Mum as took far too much maintenance for us but yours is stunning and looks the perfect size. #whatsthestory

    1. It’s a handy little thing as it looks nice and isn’t too big, so doesn’t require much maintenance – a key feature for me! Thank you x

  2. A fish slapped her on the cheek? How funny! I bet she was startled though. Love the blue fish. We don’t have any, but I’ve actually been thinking of maybe getting a small fish bowl first? #WhatsTheStory.

    1. Ah, the husband and Boo tend to it, and it’s not too bad! They do, every night, it’s very sweet 🙂 x

  3. My children would love some fish and have even already picked a tank that they would like. Sadly the only place that we could put it, out of the reach of the cat, is also in direct sunlight and would fry them!

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