The 3 year-old is into her drawing and colouring-in in quite a big way. She adores it. She has endless colouring books, blank pads, crayons and also a blackboard for her to indulge all of her creative urges. The blackboard is responsible for regular doodles (the husband has been known to partake, too..!). Now, I have zero artistic abilities, but as the husband is a sign writer and all of his qualifications are art and graphics based, I’ve an inkling he may be responsible for this leaning in Boo!
This week, she decided to draw me, and the husband feels there are Picasso-esque tones in the image…
She then decided to add Daddy, complete with eye lashes (not sure why that became essential when drawing Daddy and I didn’t get any..?)
And so naturally she then needed to draw the Little Man…
He has a nappy on here. She did make a further addition to her drawing, just after I took this photo, but I’m assuming you didn’t want to see the poo in his nappy? Oh, you did..sorry..!
And so finally, as she’d chosen to draw her three family members, I suggested she draw the dog. ‘Yes, okay’ came the reply. On wandering in to view the masterpiece a few minutes later, this is what I was confronted with..
‘Erm, that doesn’t look like Harry?’
‘No, dogs are too tricky to draw so I’ve drawn a centipede instead’
Fair enough!
So what do you think? A natural talent? And do I need to worry that a centipede is her first go-to pet?!
I’m linking this post up with the fabulous Magic Moments, as she made me laugh so much with her drawings and you never know, these milestones may mark the beginnings of a budding artist 😉
that is definitely an artist in the making right there!!
She loves it! Maybe I should start saving her early work…?!!
Flipping wow-cherching baby cherching! You’ve got a VERY Young British Artist on your hands there and how clever. My eldest is gifted in the art department too and smart (arranged marriage?) x
I like your thinking! Let’s get those contracts signed…!!
Those are some pretty epic drawings for a 3 year old, you may start saving for art school now 🙂 x
Thanks, but don’t say that!! Surely just paper and crayons will do?!
I am a certain that a budding artist she is! i think she did a wonderful job!
thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments xx
Well, we’ll see..! She may well be better than me already, though 😉
These are fab and a centipede was my first pet – I kept it in a match box – my mum wasn’t too impressed when she found it 😉
Aah, maybe she has one hidden away somewhere and this is how she’s telling me?! Love that you did that 🙂
Now that is AMAZING, bless her so clever and just 3 did you say WOW!
I am loving the centipede x
Yep, she’ll be 4 in a few weeks time. She really enjoys it, too – I’ll often find her drawing when I thought she’d been doing something else! I like that she has the foresight to know that drawing a dog may prove beyond her abilities, too – a centipede is a better bet :-)!