The Three H’s

House, Herbie and Holiday. The three H’s.

These are the subjects that have kept me busy, kept me focused.

First there were all of the house projects. These absorbed me. We got so much done around here in the first few months of this year. I am really pleased with how every room has turned out and I enjoy spending time in the house. Our living room looks completely different now and my home office is a great space to work in. It’s nice to have every plan work out well, and to be honest, it’s nice not to have any more on the horizon!

Then we decided to get a puppy. And with that decision came a lot of research and preparation. We met Herbie when he was just 4 weeks old and chose him, and then his name. We visited again at 6 weeks and then collected him at 8 weeks. Since that moment, at the end of March, life has been busy! I shared how he’s doing here last week and I have been so proud of how well he has adjusted and settled into life with us and he’s behaving so well. It also helps that he is utterly adorable so we are all besotted with him.

We then took the plunge and booked to go back to Disney World. This one felt like a spur of the moment decision as I spotted a good deal and booked it within the hour. I hadn’t woken up that day planning to spend several thousand pounds on a holiday, but at the same time, we had said since our holiday there last year that we wanted to return so it wasn’t an entirely whim-like decision!

The thing is, though, these things have all kept me busy and now they are slowing down. Disney World planning remains on my agenda, but until the 180 day mark and then the 60 day mark, there’s not much more that I can do right now. Though we do love to make the most of a Disney countdown.

So what’s to keep my mind and body whirring on full speed then?

I have taken on a new copywriting job, regular work, regular income, regular hours. It’s taking some adjusting to, but I am getting used to it, working out how to meet the deadlines whilst keeping everything else ticking along.

I have spent some time coming up with some fresh new blog content ideas that I am looking forward to creating and sharing with you. Amongst other family and home related content, I have a few new ideas for #BringBackPaper that I am excited about.

Of course, Herbie still needs lot of attention and training, along with his daily exercise. It helps that it is the summer as I love being outside enjoying the sunshine (please let there be sunshine this summer).

And to be honest, I suspect that I’ll be on that plane to Disney World in no time. I can see Herbie and my new job taking up a lot of my attention for the next few weeks, then I’ll have the kids home for summer, then it’s both of their birthdays to plan, prepare and enjoy. As soon as Boo’s birthday is over, in early October, I start to shop for and look forward to Christmas. January is normally a black month for me, but with Disney just weeks and then days away, I will focus on that and making sure we’re all set for the trip. So yes, there goes the next few months of life! I am absolutely not wishing the time away, I just know it’ll all fly by.

And then I’ll need new projects….but I have enough until then. I think?

What’s on your mind at the moment and keeping you busy?

Sharing is caring!

4 thoughts on “The Three H’s”

  1. I wonder where do you get the energy to do it all! Can you explain what a copywriting job is? What qualifications would you need to do it?

    1. I am running on very little sleep! I write copy such as blog posts and articles for an agency and they place it on various websites for their clients. I am not sure you need any specific qualifications, but several years of blogging has given me the experience necessary.

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