We do like ourselves a good old dinosaur book here, so when Bloomsbury Publishing sent us a copy of this lovely new picture book, we suspected we’d like it….
There’s a Dinosaur in My Bathtub by Catalina Echeverri
Amelia has a dinosaur in her bathtub; a rather LARGE dinosaur. His name is Pierre, and he’s from France. Amelia and Pierre have lots of fun adventures together, like travelling to the moon, eating giant ice creams and dancing upside-down.
Magically imaginative and brilliantly different, There’s a Dinosaur in My Bathtub will captivate all children . . . And their parents, too!
This is such a fun and fantastical book, with fabulous illustrations. The whole idea that a child whispers to us about her dinosaur, Pierre, and creates this magical world, going on the very best of adventures with an imaginary friend is so sweet and lovely, and had Boo and I giggling. We talked about how great these outings would be, and what trips she would want to have if she had a Pierre, too. I love it when stories so easily open up conversations like that. This is a book for daydreaming with, laughing over, and definiutely one for dinosaur fans 🙂
Sounds like just the sort of book Monkey would love at the moment
It’s fun 🙂
Will have to keep an eye out for that one. Little Miss is currently loving a book called Dino Baby from the library so suspect this one would also go down well!
Oh yes, and we’ve a Dino Mummy we’ll be reviewing shortly, too – love our dinosaur books!
I spied this in Sainsbury’s today & had to have it seeming as Georgina is Dino mad at the moment. We spend a lot of time in France too so loved Pierre & his Frenchie ways 😉
Ah, the perfect book for you then! I do like this one, and love the illustrations 🙂