OK, this photo may not mean much to you, or the moment seem remotely remarkable, but to me, it’s precious..
My children are both active. Yes, I know most children are, but mine get called ‘spirited’ – you’re getting me now, aren’t you?! Parents used to cast pitying glances at me when Boo was younger and we were out at classes or playgroups, as she was the one who just wanted to run, and run and run. When pregnant with Little Man, I was reassured that he was bound to be a little more laid-back, perhaps a little less fearless and calmer. They lied! Yes, I’d say he is a more easy-going child, and definitely a very happy baby, but if anything, I’d say he’s more active and mischievous than his sister, which is saying something. They’ve reached that lovely age of playing together and entertaining each other, though this also means it’s an age where they get into trouble together, become wild and destructive together, egging each other on and giggling, and yes, I realise I have years to come of this, thank you.
So, to see them both sitting down watching TV like this (it was In The Night Garden, of course, with Little Man’s new-found love) was wonderful. They are not children that sit and watch TV all day. They are not children that sit, really! I am proud of that. They want to explore, discover, learn and do it all at break-neck speed, but there are times when a moment or two of quiet would be welcomed. Here, I captured a rare moment of peace and tranquillity. It lasted for approximately 3 minutes, but what a calm 3 minutes it was 🙂
Ahh my z would absolutely love your two. He never stops running either! They look really sweet together and like they enjoy sitting quietly all the time 😉
Looks can be so deceiving! Little Z is quite welcome to come and play 🙂
Ahh, how I recognise those words! The moments will get longer and more frequent as time goes on, but they’ll be punctuated with more creative arguing so it’s all fun 🙂
Ah well, best to be kept on my toes!
What a wonderful post Jocelyn. Must have been great seeing them just relax together! It’s great that they’re active most of the time, best way to be I think 🙂
I think it is, there are just occasions when I wish they’d slow down a little! Thanks for hosting x
They sound like very normal children to me! #MagicMoments
Yep, you’re right! X
Oh gosh, yes, when they “stop” it’s wonderful. Hope you sat down and enjoyed the peace too, rather than whizzing around!
Nope, I tore off to grab my phone & take a photo!
I can totally relate this one! My daughter loves to run around like a loony too. She’s only quiet when watching TV 🙁
Got to grab these moments while we can!
oh I understand, I really do x
Ha ha – I can tell 😉
Bless them! I hope you enjoyed a brew during this #magicmoments
No time! It was brief but lovely 😉
Great that they are so active really, but I can totally understand the desire for a little peace and quiet.
It is, but yes, the odd moment would be welcome 😉
I know how you feel honey, my favourite is when people like to point out that ‘you have your work cut out for you there’… hmmm like I didn’t notice.
I hope you managed to stare at the wall and do nothing during those precious 180 seconds! #MagicMoments
Yes! I have heard that one many times..! 🙂
The energy our children have actually astounds me! haha! And how adorable are your little ones in that photo and gosh, they look very alike don’t they! Same gorgeous wee faces x
Thank you. I don’t think they look alike, but I obviously can’t see what’s staring me in the face!!
What a lovely photo. It must be exhausting having such active kids, but active ones are definitely better than lazy ones!
It is exhausting, but yes I think you’re right, it’s better this way. I’d welcome the odd moment of rest, though…!
As the parent of a “spirited” child or two I know exactly what you mean. Love these quiet moments, just wish there were a few more of them. (Currently trying to remove plastic bricks from a money box)
Exactly! Oh, do not envy you that task…!
Wonderful to capture a moment at peace
Thank you – a lovely, rare moment 🙂
Wonderful, those moments of calm are precious aren’t they?! My wee girl is also fairly spirited… Great fun, but exhausting 🙂
Yes, loads of fun, but I can get pretty tired…!
Spirited kids eh! I sympathise, I have a few of them myself and know just how exhausting it is! I wouldn’t want them any other way though 🙂 #MagicMoments
Nor me. Well, maybe once in a while… 😉
What a lovely moment! Very sweet xx
Thank you x
Ah! Sweet respite! X
Yes! Brief, but sweet 🙂
i so know what your saying here, Bethany was exactly the same lol
thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x
Mine are both wild! Good to be active and energetic, though, I suppose….! Thanks for hosting x
I wish I could get middle man away from the TV without a battle 🙁
I cannot conceive of such a thing! Maybe when they get older I’ll have that bridge to cross.
Those are the three minutes that matter , just enough for a tea bag to brew !
Why, oh why didn’t I use the time so wisely! Just grabbed the camera & stared at them in shock!
Oh I totally understand that blissful moment of peace and quiet. In the night garden sometimes has that effect on Monkey, or occasionally baby jake (which I hate). It is great to have such active and inquisitive little ones, but it is also exhausting and those occasional moments in the front of the TV can really help! I try and time them for when I have to cook the dinner or something, though I don’t always succeed! Very cute picture of the two of them!
Thank you. Yes, it is lovely that they’re so active, but there are just some times when it’d be nice for them to slow down….!