This is our new normal then. How is everyone doing?
We are adjusting. Well, I say we, it’s mainly me that needs to adjust, that needs to let go.
The kids seem happy enough, though of course they would be happier if they could see their family and friends. It’s only been a few days without them so this isn’t that strange for them yet. We often stay home during school holidays so I am not sure that this seems that out of the ordinary to them….yet. Of course we intersperse our breaks with days out, nipping to the shops or lunches out and plenty of play dates. They will not happen, so maybe some day soon the kids will struggle with that, but until then they are happy and enjoying their time at home so I’ll take it.
We are home educating so the days are flying by. We are starting every day with PE with Joe and then moving onto maths. The rest of the day will then include walking Herbie, playing outside (please let this sunshine last), watching Newsround, reading, a daily LEGO challenge, diary writing and then some mix of various topics, experiments, baking, writing, literacy, puzzles, games and art. Oh, and every day we like to check in on Edinburgh Zoo’s live webcams. This is becoming a highlight, I adore that little koala.
We have a timetable as I like to get all ideas out on paper and then the kids have helped me put something together as they like to see what they are going to do each day. They are enjoying it, there hasn’t been a single moment this week where they have run out of things to do or told me they’re bored, so all’s well. I like to see how they learn, what they enjoy and how engaged they are in their tasks.
I have set Boo up with her own email address so that she can keep in touch with her friends and family and that’s proving to be a big hit. She loves messaging people and I think her grandparents particularly enjoy hearing from her. Life skills right there.
I am juggling work with home and and keeping the kids occupied. The days when I have lots to do are challenging, but to be honest, I am just very grateful to have any work. Both my blog work and copywriting have already been significantly affected by the current climate as people are understandably pulling their marketing budgets. I have had emails from my main source of employment telling me that they have no more work, but then bits come through in drips and drabs so I am grabbing all that I can when I can and then working around the kids’ schedule.
Like so many of us, I am waiting to hear what the government’s plans are for the self-employed and freelancers. We need support. Like so many of us, we have family and friends around us who have their own businesses, who are struggling with their incomes and trying to adjust to the changes. My brother runs his own coffee shop so he is currently out of business, my dad runs his own garage so he is still open and dealing with the public when I’d rather he was safely at home, but of course he cannot afford to be. The Husband’s company refuses to allow any remote working, even for office staff, so he still has to go work daily and see other people. If he doesn’t, he will just get SSP which does not pay the bills.
So yes, income and the economy are worrying me. Along with wanting all of my loved ones to be safe and every other person out there to be safe. My sister in law works in a supermarket so she is on the front line at the moment, our neighbour is a doctor, our friend is a nurse, my best mate is a teacher – you know how it is, we all have people that we want to protect that are out there doing all that they can for us.
I have been moving between sadness, worry, anger and acceptance daily. I would say that I am shifting more towards acceptance now. I am trying to live in the moment and enjoy my time with my kids and find happiness in the little things. Herbie loves the extra company, the sun is shining and my garden is springing to life. Staying home is hardly the toughest task in the world, I have books, I can’t stop making rice puddings and I now have Disney Plus. Baby Yoda, thank you.
I am working on letting go of all that I cannot control and accepting that this is how it needs to be. I am enjoying having the kids home and I am fortunate that they do get on well with each other. I am stepping away from social media and the news and I feel lighter for it.
It’s hard to fathom how much life has changed in just one week, isn’t it? I am trying not to think of what might come next week or the next week. I have my immediate family around me and there’s loads of chocolate in the house. I am in a luckier position than many so I will roll with it and hopefully we can all ride this thing out and get to hug each other on the other side.
How are you coping with it all?
we’ve gone into total lock down and a state of emergency in New Zealand for at least a month. 280 odd cases, 5 in hospital, none in ICU and no deaths as yet. Govt trying to nip this before it gets bad. Only essential workers out – medical, supermarket, communications, services like water, gas, electricity. Everything else from garages, to shopping centres shut. Schools shut down with about an hours notice (but open with skeleton staff for 48 hours to enable essential workers time to find childcare). I wasn’t ready with stuff for students at school as was on asthma leave beforehand and told not to go anywhere, but most of my students have no tech or internet at home. I’ll post some stuff out soon. I’m not bored yet as only been home for 6 days or so…. Govt plans already announced for all workers and mortgage holidays etc.
You’ve gone a lot further than us then and a lot sooner. I hope you all stay safe over there x
I’ve reached the same point, Jocelyn – although there is so much to worry and think about, I have accepted that this is a new normal, adjusting where we can, and stepping away from news sources as much as possible, whilst still keeping up to date… If that makes sense!
It is lovely having Alexander home at this time, even though the circumstances are obviously devastating, with pockets of positivity getting me through the day. Alexander’s school didn’t really provide a comprehensive learning pack for home – which I was quite surprised, and a little disappointed by – but we have been learning (Maths & English in the morning and then a ‘topic’ in the afternoon). It has been working well for us.
I think that is the key to getting through the days at the moment – finding what works for you & your family and just chugging on.
Take care x
It makes perfect sense, that’s what I’m doing too. Sounds like you’re finding your new routines and managing to find some positivity in amongst it all. That’s all we can do, really, isn’t it? Take care x