Is it time for gardening again? I only get out there spring through to autumn, as I find there is little to maintain and do during the colder months.
I tend to start pottering around out there as the spring rolls in. I like to be relatively confident that the frosts are over and then I spend a few hours cutting everything back and getting rid of all the brown dead stuff. I really enjoy doing this, though it seems a lot of work when I first step foot out there. I must remind myself that I like it when I start this year! It’s usually March time, so we’ll see what the weather brings us.
Last year I feel like I missed the summer and my normal gardening as we had puppy Herbie. Puppy Herbie liked to eat everything in the garden, from twigs to plants to bulbs to gravel. And yes, I know these are bad for him, hence he was closely monitored and I had no time for gardening! He’s loads better now, of course, so I should be fine to spend time out there this year.
I’m really looking forward to it. I find gardening relaxing. There’s something about it that just helps me to switch off and yet feel invigorated all at the same time.
I don’t have huge plans to change things this year, which feels good having spent a few summers changing things around out there. There are a few plants that I need to move around, but nothing that should take me more than an afternoon to do.
When it all starts to come to life and bloom, it never ceases to amaze me. Yes, I know that’s how it all works and it’s perfectly normal, I just love how it goes from bare and brown to full and colourful and lush in a matter of weeks.
From the tulips, denticulata and hellebores that’ll push up first to the roses that then flower for months for me through to the buddleia that seems to quadruple in size in a matter of weeks and attracts all of that wildlife. Can you tell that I’m eagerly anticipating it all?
I’ve not planted new bulbs this year, because….Herbie. But there should be plenty out there to come up anyway. And then I’ll be out there, pruning, weeding, digging and cutting.
I can practically feel that dirt on my hands already! Come on spring, I’m ready for you now.