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Not all home maintenance work is trouble-free. Nevertheless, the more practised we are with working through what’s needed, the more capable we become. It’s the same with working on a vehicle ahead of a garage servicing, and it’s often true with our homes too. Whether it’s creating more storage in your home or tending to the structure, it’s worth the effort.
Here are 5 types of upkeep that are worth doing sooner rather than later (even if it’s necessary to hire someone to do it for you).
Get the Septic Tank Inspected
A septic tank should be inspected every few years. Ideally, getting it done every two years is a good idea.
Leaving it any longer can lead to problems like:
- Block plumbing systems
- Slow drainage issues from the sinks or toilet
- Muddy lawn from overflowing
- Bacteria getting into the water wells
- A bad odour in the backyard
Septic tanks need to be pumped out as a first step. Larger households with a septic tank will need to be emptied more often than smaller households. If the tank was installed by a previous owner, then it would be a good idea if you’re still in touch to ask them how often they emptied it.
The task to carry septic tank inspections out is one that only experts should do. They will look for any major issues including unwanted build-ups, and ensure that by the time they leave, the system works properly. Hall’s Septic Service has offered these types of services for many years and can be relied upon to complete it to a high level of excellence.
Clean the Garbage Disposal
The garbage disposal unit won’t grind through everything and not come out unscathed.
The grinding blades can be dulled over time with excessive use. To resharpen them, try putting some ice cubes down the chute on their own. This can provide a hard surface for the disposal to work against and it may resolve a dull blade issue. Follow this by putting down some baking soda and hot water to finish off the job.
After this is done, see how well the garbage disposal is performing. Don’t just assume that the blades are shot and need to be replaced.
Look at the Bathroom Caulking and Grout
The bathroom will have tiles that have grout or caulking. It goes between each tile, but the off-white color will noticeably darken over time.
While this is a cleaning task that can be performed in the winter, bathrooms tend to be colder at that time of year, which makes it less appealing. Getting in the bathroom with a grout cleaner or baking soda and a toothbrush to work away and brushing up the grout is painstaking work, but not difficult.
While your back may not thank you for the bending over or your knees when crouching down, once the job is done, it won’t need to be repeated for at least another year.
Check the Doors and Window for Imperfections
Problems with the doors or windows due to cracked caulking, poorly sealed window frames, or doorways with a draft are best tackled before winter has arrived. This is because you’re not going to be losing warmth and pulling in cold air due to cracks or gaps creating insulation issues.
Visually inspect the doors, door frames, and window frames to look for anything obvious. Don’t be afraid to get up close and personal with them as small imperfections are difficult to spot from a distance. Also, hold your hand over the frames to feel for unexpected cold air movement that suggests an air leakage problem.
There are various approaches to take depending on the seriousness. Using caulking around window frames or windowsills can fix it. Adding a secondary seal over the windows prevents them from being opened in the summer but acts to prevent further air movement.
Attend to Any Suffering Appliances
By suffering appliances, we mean ones that are getting on in age and are beginning to show the signs of that.
It might be that the dishwasher is no longer as effective at cleaning glassware or plates as before or the washing machine has started to leak water from the drum. Certainly, these initially smaller issues may get resolved using a dishwasher cleaning solution or looking at where the washing machine leak is originating, but sooner or later, they’ll likely need repairing.
Beyond that, if the same repair issues keep recurring, then consider that it might be time to replace the appliance. Doing that is better than suffering a breakdown in the winter and then it’s even more inconvenient than it otherwise would be.
While it’s always tempting to leave repairs until the summer, that can easily be pushed back to the later months of the year. At which time, it might be far less convenient and regrettable. Don’t make that mistake.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post