Using BoardBooster for Pinterest

As a blogger, a parent, a reader, a baker, a home-owner and more besides, I love Pinterest. I wrote  ‘Why Every Mum Needs Pinterest in her Life‘  a while back and I shared my Blogger’s Guide to Pinterest, too.

So having established that I am a fan and that I find it useful, today I wanted to share with you how I’ve been using a tool called BoardBooster to help me to manage my Pins and boost my blog traffic.

Using Boardbooster for Pinterest

Why do I use Boardbooster?

Pinterest is consistently a good source of traffic for me. It tends to come in as my second or third referrer each month, so it’s valuable. I like to use it and regularly pin both fresh content and re-share my existing content, along with contributing pins from many other blogs and websites. Pinning at the right times, on a good variety of subjects can be challenging, unless I want to be spending a lot of time on it, into the night (for my US audience), so scheduling pins is hugely beneficial. The need to do this is what drove my search to find a tool like BoardBooster and it remains the main reason that I use it. So how does it all work?


This is the big draw for me. It’s a brilliant time-saver, allowing me to pin in short blocks of time making me considerably more efficient. Pinterest works best when you pin at certain times, and don’t pin lots to the same boards at the same time, clogging up your feed. Scheduler allows you to pin to secret boards that will then drip feed your public boards at times assigned by you.

For example, I have a Blogging & Social Media Tips board, and I also now have the same board, but ‘secretly’! I pin to that during one session on Pinterest each week, and I’ve then set it to move those pins over onto my public board , 2 per day, between certain hours of the day. Make sense? It’s very straightforward once you’re all set up and it’s as fast to be pinning to the secret boards as it is to your public ones, this simply ensures that the pins are seen at the right times.

Speaking of right times, you can then see what your repin rate is from these boards, and can play around adjusting the times you pin or you may decide that those boards simply aren’t right for your content and you delete them. It’s very useful being able to see what’s working and isn’t in this way.


This one is so easy to set up and it ensures that content is always being pinned. You select a board that you would like to use this with, I currently have three boards doing this, and it automatically repins to that board for you. You can specify how many repins, I have opted for 2 per day per board, and I would recommend you only do this on boards with plenty of content already, so 300-400 pins plus.

Pin Doctor and Pin Mover

These two charge a penny a pin for any activity. Pin Doctor checks through your boards and identifies 9 common problems like broken links and content duplication, and helps you to fix them. You can set it to cover all of your pins or specify board by board. Pin Mover helps you split or clean up large boards. It finds all pins that match your criteria and moves them to a board that you specify, so would be a handy way for creating more tailored or specific boards.

Group Manager

This is for those of you who run collaborative boards, and it is a handy way to monitor the quality and content of pins being added to it. I have to say that I rarely use this, as I simply haven’t had the time to review it fully, but I can see what a useful feature it is.


What have I learned from the Reports tab? Well, it seems that Guinea Pig pins do very well! There is a wealth of information available here, sharing your pin history, board performance and highlighting best time to pin, both generally and by each specific board.



Firstly, I think to really maximise the benefits of this, you’d do well to be joining in with collaborative boards, which is a tip I’d definitely recommend to get the most out of Pinterest anyway, whether you try BoardBooster or not. There are thousands and thousands of them, so look around for boards that suit your pins and posts. I have a number of collaborative boards on my Pinterest page, as well as hosting the popular Share the Blog Love board.

I’ve looked around at different scheduling tools, Tailwind being another prominent one and it’s one that is backed by Pinterest. So why go with this one? Well firstly, having carried out the free trial and spent a little time getting used to it, I liked how it operated and found it easy to use. I didn’t want to spend more time adjusting to another programme. And then there’s the fact that it is cheaper. This costs me £3.50 ($5) per month for 500 pins, so that allows for around 16-17 pins per day, which is just right for me. It makes a difference to my repin levels and I’ve noticed an increase in traffic to my blog coming from Pinterest along with my Pinterest follower numbers rising.

Of course, because I have this tool and I’m paying for it, I am more focused on ensuring that I use it and so I may well be pinning more which may get me more traffic anyway? I also receive a daily report on how many pins BoardBooster has made for me, along with a weekly stats report. These emails mean that Pinterest is rarely far from my mind, so I am making more of an effort with it. I suppose that this in itself will increase my productivity over there, so the reminders are beneficial as well as the fact that BoardBooster allows me to do several days worth of pinning in one session. I do love the efficiency of that.

What do you think? Can you see this working for you or do you use something else that you’d recommend?

Disclosure: I have used an referral link within this post, so that if you pop over and like it enough to sign up, I’ll receive some pennies. 

Sharing is caring!

10 thoughts on “Using BoardBooster for Pinterest”

  1. This is a super handy post, Jocelyn. Thanks!

    I love Pinterest, but am fully aware that I don’t use it in the most productive way – I am the person who pins 50 things in a row while stood at the cooker stirring the dinner!

    I will definitely give board booster a go as I think, from everything you have said, £3.50 a month is quite reasonable. Xxx

    1. Good! Yes, you see with this you can still pin the 50 things in one go, but it spreads them for you – so handy! Happy to help 🙂

  2. Great explanation! We could all use some tips for Boardbooster it can be tricky to set up. Stopping by to let you know you are being featured on Friday’s P3 Party post! Have a great week! Thanks for pinning!

  3. Hi
    Thanks so much for the useful ideas. I only just started blogging so don’t think I have enough content yet to use it.
    All the very best with your blog.

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