I feel like this has been a long winter. A long, long winter. And given that winter is my least favourite season, I want it to end now. I am itching to get out into the garden again. I am definitely a fair weather gardener, I like to potter about out there when it warms up and then there’s nothing nicer than lounging about on my deck reading a book when it’s really hot. I love the sunshine.
As soon as I do start spending time out there, I have something of a list of tasks that I need to complete so that I am all set for those ‘lounging with a book’ days. I can only really relax out there when everything is looking tidy.
My first task definitely needs to be cutting things back from last year, I am just waiting to be sure that the cold weather has definitely gone over before I get going on this. It’s always such a satisfying job, cutting everything back, whilst discovering new shoots coming up everywhere.
Then I fancy getting a cold frame, some garden seating for a small patio area and a tidy-looking storage unit. So I’m thinking something like….
No matter what we do, we always seem to need more garden storage. As the kids grow, their bikes get bigger of course, so I like the idea of a bike shed for those.
When the warmer weather does come in (soon, please, soon) our garden becomes something of an extra room, with the back doors standing open all day and the kids and I spending as much time as we can out there. They love going on bug hunts, riding their bikes, getting the paddling pool out on hot days and just generally playing out there. We take a load of toys out and play in the sunshine, which is so much nicer than being indoors on a warm day.
I aspire to have something of a cottage garden, albeit with plenty of lawn and space for the kids to play. I don’t want every flower and shrub in its neat little space, but rather all of it blending together to create an array of colours and I am all about the scents. I have so many roses in my garden, which offer up wonderful smells, along with herbs, orange blossom, honeysuckle, stocks, oh, there’s plenty! The majority of it lives in raised beds and pots, meaning it’s kind of safe from balls and toys (kind of!), I love a freshly mown lawn and then I like to have gardening equipment, toys and bikes all stored away neatly out of sight.
Now that I am thinking about it, I will definitely be buying more plants and seeds soon, I do love seeing the garden blossom.
What about you? What’s on your list for spring gardening?
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post
I can’t wait for Spring either!!! My daffodils are really late this year. Can’t believe we are at St. David’s Day and there’s no sign of them in the garden!!!! I’m looking forward to planting up my pots and I thought I may try a vegetable patch with the kids this year – what do you think?
That sounds lovely, great idea! I want the snow gone and the sun shining!
Thanks so much for the post.Really thank you! Great.