I have spent most of today working. I have been sorting through this month’s pen pal sign up and matching everyone up. It has taken hours! And in between that I have been ensuring that the kids have been fed and watered (they’ve been quite content as they have spent their time building and playing in a den) and getting two loads of washing done and then ironing all of it. Such thrills. You see, we’re going away for a few days tomorrow morning and that means that my mind’s presently on washing.
Whenever we’re off on holiday, washing preoccupies my mind. And if you’re shaking your head over how sad I am, it’ll come to you one day. Preoccupation with washing comes to us all one day! As we’re about to go, I am getting things washed and ironed ready to pack and take with us, and I also like to see the bottom of my washing basket before a break as I know I’ll soon have loads to add to it. Then when we get back, there’s a huge bundle of it that needs doing and I hate having loads of washing to get through, so I try to get it all done as quickly as I can so that I’m on top of it again. Standard holiday first world problems.
But what if the washing could all be whisked away on your return? That’s where Laundryheap come in. They offer customisable laundry and dry-cleaning services designed to work around our hectic contemporary lifestyles. Customers can book a collection on the go, by logging onto the website or the mobile app. Their clothes are then picked up, cleaned and delivered, all within 24 hours.
Clever, eh? So as you’re travelling home or sitting at the airport, you could log on, book in a collection at a time and date to suit you, and you’re all set. When Laundryheap got in touch with me about this service, my very first thought was ‘holiday washing’! It’s one of those things that people dread just as they’re having to deal with their lovely holiday being over and going back to work. This service strikes me as something of a post-holiday treat. Of course, it can also be used at any time and regularly, it’s not just for holidays!
Washing aside, I really do need to get my Out of Office on, go and get dinner ready and get around to packing. A seaside mini-break awaits…
Now please tell me that I am not the only one who thinks about the washing whenever going on holiday?!
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post
I love the sound of this service….
I would consider something like this especially in the winter when we struggle to get our washing dry.
Oh yes, that’s a good point, it can be difficult in the winter.