Way Back When…

For this week’s What’s the Story? Boo and I have been looking through old photo albums. Boo is particularly keen on our photos from Disneyworld, way before she was born, and she’s mightily impressed that we met Mickey! But it was actually this photo that caught my eye, as it was like a different world away..


It’s the husband and I, taken in 2000, a few days after we’d moved into our first home together. It was a first-floor flat, that we absolutely adored because it was ours. We’d saved up hard so that we could put a decent deposit down on it, and it helped that I was a mortgage advisor at the time, so we didn’t have that first-time buyer fear and general ‘cluelessness’ that I saw with so many of my customers. We’d both still been living at home until this momentous week, so we had the excitement of moving out and living together all rolled into one. The husband’s parents had very generously bought us a gorgeous sofa and tub chair that we’d spent a few Saturdays choosing, but as it wasn’t quite ready, the furniture shop were kind enough to supply us with a sofa to use in the meantime, which we’re on here – not to our taste, but how good of them was that?! This was a few days in, after we’d ripped up all of the carpets and got new ones as we’d discovered that the previous owners adorable little kittens had had fleas – oh joy of joys! I’m very nostalgic about that flat, though the husband does remind me that it got so cold in the winter months that we could see our breath when we woke in the mornings and he used to sleep with his head under the covers! Doesn’t matter, it was five years of fun times and happy memories 🙂

We moved in at the end of August, so we’ve now lived together for just over 13 years and been married for 11 of them. We looked so fresh-faced back then, and it’d be fair to say that that has changed! Age and children will do that to you, it seems. Still just as happy, though, and full of hope for our future together.

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22 thoughts on “Way Back When…”

  1. Ah we got together in 99 and look back at the photos and feel happy and cringe a little – we were such young pups!! Thank goodness for cameras – think of all the lovely memories we will have to look back on xx

    1. We got together in ’97, so probably have similarly ‘fashioned’ cringe-worthy photos! So young and fresh-faced – well, we had plenty of free time to sleep in back then! And yes, thank goodness for cameras 🙂

  2. It’s easy to forget there was a life before children isn’t it! My eldest loves looking at our old photo’s too-.i remember enjoying doing the same thing when I was a child. It’s weird thinking of your parents as ‘young’ somehow!!

    1. Yes, it’s like they’ve been here forever! I still like looking back on my mum’s photos, and it’s lovely seeing photos of my little brother and I doing similar things to Boo and Little Man, just thirty-odd years ago!

    1. Thanks. Yes, it makes a real difference, I think, as you can just concentrate on the more exciting stuff and not worry about the whole process and finance side so much.

  3. What a wonderful story Jocelyn, it’s great looking back on those old memories. It sounds like you definitely had the upper hand when it came to choosing somewhere. I was clueless, ended up moving in with boyfriend (now husband!) initially. How great to choose a sofa and borrow one too, must have been a superb day when that arrived. Such a lovely post, thank you so much for sharing with #whatsthestory

    1. Thanks, Charly. It’s lovely to look back on and remember it all – we were just so happy and excited (fleas aside!). Thanks for hosting x

  4. A great photo and a great story! I love to look back at those days before the children came along and it was just the two of us, such a special time and I’m so pleased we got to do so much before we started our family!

    1. Thank you 🙂 Yes, we were together for 12 years before starting our family, so we spent out 20’s having lots of fun. Not that it’s not fun with the kids now, but it’s different!

  5. Hiya, aww this is lovely, it’s so nice looking back at old photo’s as when we have busy lives we often don’t stop and think. Seeing a picture instantly takes us back to that place and time… really nice story xx

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