We’re Armed & Ready for Nature-Spotting!

For Christmas, I bought each of the children identifier books – a trees one for Boo and a birds one for Little Man. We’re often out and about on various nature hunts, or woodland strolls, and I thought they’d be useful to have as they got older. We also joined the National Trust, which meant that we received a rather lovely free gift, some binoculars. It’d be fair to say that these have been popular with Boo! So, we got our kit together..


We got Little Man dressed appropriately for bird-spotting..


And we set off! On the 5 minute journey to the park, Boo kept talking excitedly about what she might see, and how she’d need to use her book, and I’d have to write down our findings – she had it all sorted! So we wrapped up, took a shot of ourselves…

naturehuntAnd got going! We encountered plenty of trees, and puddles..

naturehunt montage

Found a ‘secret’ passageway..


And enjoyed a few moments peace at a pool, with some duck-spotting, of course!..

naturehunt pool

Before returning to the car, with all of us happy and ‘nature-spotted’ out for the day!

It was a fun adventure, that we all thoroughly enjoyed. I suspect we’ll be doing it again soon 🙂

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Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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66 thoughts on “We’re Armed & Ready for Nature-Spotting!”

  1. Oh how lovely! I loved those Usborne books as a kid. Whenever we went on holiday to England we’d visit a bookshop and I’d pick a new one. One of them was on survival and I still keep it around in case of the apocalypse.

    1. You are so wise and so much more prepared for an apocalypse than I. An Usborne book is clearly all we need in such an event, too – good thinking.

      1. And a crossbow. Don’t forget the crossbow. My husband has that one sorted. He is also in charge of general apocalypse planning, get away plan in case of nuclear war and other emergencies.

  2. I love the bird and tree identifier books! I am no good myself at identifying things. I usually go with ‘the lesser spotted brown bird’ or randomnly pick an oak or a birch tree – so these may help me along the way too! Think I might investigate them. Thanks for the idea! x

  3. Little Man looks adorable in his bird jumper and what a lovely group picture of you all. It looks like you had a great time nature spotting and Boo made good use of her binoculars. Thanks for linking up and sharing your fun with Country Kids.

    1. It’s really good. My mum taught me loads of trees when I was little, and though I can remember lots of them, this book’s a very good back up! And thank you x

  4. Your a top mummy i love that idea i think the tree book is a great idea Sops and i are always watching the birds here. Very cute jumper by the way and that ladybird bag looks just perfect for adventures #CountryKids

  5. You are giving me inspiration to get out and ‘do’ more! I’d never think to go and look for certain trees or birds and it’s such a great way for the children to learn abotu nature. Your kids are having such an amazing childhood! x

    1. It’s so simple to do, too, and they loved it! Just gave the trip a purpose, which made it all the more interesting (for me, as much as them!) And thank you so much, a lovely thing to say x

  6. that looks like you had a fabulous trip out. might have to look at getting similar books for my lil boy, he loves spotting everything when we are out and about. #letkidsbekids

  7. Grace says – I think this is an excellent idea and Little Man looked very cute in his birdwatching jumper. I loved all the photographs you took, especially the one with Boo climbing the secret passageway – how exciting xx #letkidsbekids

  8. Wow, you look like you had a wonderful time out there in the woods. The secret passageway is wonderful, treasures like that make it more exciting for children don’t they?

    Nipping over from #countrykids

  9. Thank you so much for linking up!! We have some books also that we shall be taking out in the spring. It is so wonderful to let them find something and then you all look in the book to see what it is called. xx

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