I’m now at the stage where this feels normal. Which is odd, I know, as life is far from normal. But I have got used to it. Somewhere along the line, strange life has become normal life.
I live very much in the present. I find that this gets me through. One day at a time, focusing on my tasks for that day, keeping the kids stimulated and content and getting through it.
I try not to think about what we could and should be doing now. There have been missed nights out, family celebrations, a much anticipated school outward bounds trip for Boo and more. They haven’t happened, but many things have moved to next year. 2021 is already looking busy, I could do with a calendar for next year to keep track! I try not to think about the last time that I was able to go into my mum’s house and have a cup of tea with her, hug her. I try not to think about the last afternoon that we were with all of the Husband’s family. I try not to think about my brother having had a milestone birthday in lock-down, very aware that I have only seen him once this year. I miss them, I miss all of our family, and then of course I miss my friends and normal routines. Steady work and income was a lovely thing, too. Ah, those days.
But, I have got used to it. Somehow, as time has gone on, I have adjusted. I think I have just worked out how to do this, by staying in the now and taking time to appreciate the little things each day.
We’re all missing people, missing routines and many of us are also dealing with grief, stress, depression and loss of incomes. It’s a weird time as I have seen so many people saying we’re all in the same boat, but we’re not, we’re really not. Some people have job security, some people are on furlough, some people are home schooling, some people have lost their businesses or jobs, some people have lost loved ones, some people are living completely alone. There are people in thousands of different situations, and I think it’s important to be mindful of that, whilst trying your best to get on with your own reality.
I wake up each day, and fortunately as the Husband has worked full time throughout this, I am still aware of the different days of the week. His normal routine helps me to keep one. I do pretty much the same thing each week day. Up by 7am (oh yes, I don’t have those kids who lie in, they are up by 7 every single day) and then the day begins. Housework, blog work, pitching for freelance work, home school, calling friends and family, walking Herbie… you get the idea. I like to throw a cake or rice pudding break in most afternoons and the kids and I like to watch some TV together. Boo and I adored Gilmore Girls and we’re now all watching The Big Flower Fight together. There is then usually a smattering of gaming, reading, gardening, playing outside, imaginary play, board games and general chit chat. Some days the kids are tired, emotional and anxious, other days they’re loud and over excited. I love those days when they live somewhere in the middle of the two!
Highlights are usually deliveries, the occasional doorstep surprise from family or friends, starting a new book, buying something new in the food shopping…erm, yes, that’s about all that I can think of! Yesterday, for the first time since the kids finished school, we ventured out to our local park. It is literally a few minutes drive away and we went early so as to avoid people. It was so peaceful and so beautiful, we’ll be back there again soon.
I am happy that it is Friday. With the Husband working, weekends still mean something here, we love having him home with us. It’s also a long weekend, and then it’s half term for the kids so no home school next week. I’m hoping to finish up arranging my pen pal sign up, I want us to have movie afternoons each day and I am optimistic that I will get through a couple of books or more. Huge plans for the week then! It does look as though it’s going to be sunny each day, so I think there will be more park walks and lots of time in the garden.
My nephew and the Husband both have birthdays in early June so I’ll be arranging those gifts and trying to work out what we can do to make the Husband’s birthday a good one at home. It’ll be mine a few days after his, so I will try not to exhaust all ideas, any suggestions are welcome!
And that’s me. Living this strange yet now normal life here. I’d best sign off now as I’ve promised the kids a Star Wars themed home school morning today so Chewbacca and Kylo Ren are waiting for me. Yep, strange but somehow perfectly normal.
This strange life is normal and it does odd thinking that way. I am missing so much about our old way of life, things we took for granted.
Take care and stay safe x
It’s funny how you can adjust to it. Thanks, and to you and yours x