I started blogging in July 2013. I’ve had this little space for a full decade now, and I can’t believe where the time has gone.
When I look back over the years, remembering how I came up with the name, worked on the look of the blog (it’s had a few makeovers over the years), thought about what I’d share here, and the hours upon hours upon hours I have spent on it, it does actually feel like 10 years!
It’s got me thinking about all I’ve learned, all I’ve done, so today I want to share my musings with you, when you’ve been blogging for 10 years….
I guess the first thing that springs to mind is that it becomes second nature to you.
I have blogged about so many different things over the years, and it’s now very natural to me to sit down and share something with you.
I enjoy that I can share anything that springs to mind here with you, anything I am thinking about, I think would be useful to share, I believe would entertain, I want to capture and document.
If I think it, I often blog it!
The second thing I’d say is that it changes and evolves over time.
Of course, as my life has changed, the blog has changed.
I started this blog with a baby and a toddler. They’re both so much bigger now!
In the early days, we had a lot of posts about kids activities, trips out, toy reviews, siblings photos and more.
As the kids have grown up, I’ve shared less about them and more about me, our home, and paper.
It’s felt natural to do that and it suits all of us.
Bring Back Paper has grown and grown, though I did start it quite early on in the life of the blog.
It’s a huge part of my blog, and it’s now spilled over into so much more. I decided that I really wanted it to grow at the outset of the pandemic, when I realised I needed to develop and diversify in order to keep my business going.
It has its own ever growing Facebook group (over 2000 members now), an Etsy store, Patreon memberships, BuyMeACoffee and a YouTube channel.
It’s a community now, and probably one of the things that I am most proud of here, as I can see how it impacts people lives, people do love paper!
And lastly, I’d say that when you’ve been blogging for 10 years you have to be yourself.
I believe that my readers and followers can ‘hear’ my voice through my blog posts.
I am me, I don’t attempt to imitate anyone else and I blog about what I want to blog about, without thinking about what everyone else is doing or whether I ‘should’ be doing it differently.
You can’t blog for a decade and be anything other than yourself, similarly across my social channels too.
I am very fortunate to have so many wonderful readers and followers who support me. Thank you so much for reading, liking, commenting, buying from Etsy, sharing, joining my memberships, contributing, treating me to a hot chocolate, following along, the list could go on! Thanks, here’s to another 10 years?
Happy 10 year blog anniversary to me!
Congrats on the 10 years blogging, I always thought you had been blogging longer than me. I hit 10 years in November. I remember finding you and joining in when you hosted WotW. When I think of your blog now I always think of books, paper and pen pals. You do a fantastic job, here’s to many more years! x
I loved our WotW days! I’m happy that you think of those things with my blog, some of my favourite things! Thanks so much, same to you! x
Congratulations on 10 years what an achievement!
I really like your comments about blogging in your own voice and blogging what you like to blog about.
I think those things make a real difference in the enjoyment of a blog.
Thank you! And yes, absolutely, it’s the only way to go I think.