happy mail

Why Have A Pen Pal?

This is a question that I get asked as I love having pen pals, and it’s a question that I’d imagine a few of you ask yourself too. Should I take the plunge and get myself a pen pal or two? What would it be like? Why have a pen pal? Let’s explore this one today as I share with you 4 good reasons to have a pen pal.

Receiving happy mail always brightens a day

This is the obvious place to start as this one is a great reason to have pen pals.

Who wouldn’t like to receive some happy post?! A more interesting envelope peeping out amongst junk mail and bills is always going to be welcome.

A handwritten envelope stands out, even more so if it has a few cute stickers on it or perhaps even some mail art

And then inside, you know you are going to be catching up on all of your pen pals latest news. It’s lovely to grab a cuppa and settle down  to read it, connecting with someone somewhere else in the world in this unique way. 

Writing letters is a relaxing hobby

Settling down to write a letter is relaxing. It slows you down, it pauses your day.

For me, it’s about pouring myself a cup of tea, popping some music on and surrounding myself with my letter writing bits and bobs and taking a little time for myself. 

happy mail

You build new friendships

Pen pals are absolutely friendships. It’s hard to explain to people that haven’t got pen pals, but I feel that I know my pen pals, that they are my friends, even though I have never actually met them. I have been writing to some of them for years, sharing everyday life, thoughts and feelings. We are friends.

It’s wonderful to connect in this way, this slow way. 

As well as getting to know others, you can find yourself learning about another country, culture or way of life.

Think of the stationery!

Now come on, who doesn’t love an excuse to buy pretty stationery?! Writing paper, colourful pens, washi tape, stickers, I need say no more!

Still not sure? Check out my 6 Compelling Reasons to Have Pen Pals, there’s bound be something there to tempt you. My Ultimate Guide for Pen Pals will give you more information and tips too. 

I have a pen pal sign up running right now. It’s likely to be the only one I run this year, so if you are interested do get involved! If you’re reading this after the sign has closed, then check out my Where to Find Pen Pals post for more information. 

If you’re new to Bring Back Paper, you can find out more about it all here. You can join our Facebook group here and you can sign up to join my mailing list below, for all the latest news, updates, ideas and activities. 


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