Hello and welcome to Word of the Week!
If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. It’s a fun and friendly linky, so please do be lovely and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and share with them your thoughts on their words and weeks. I do comment on every entry to the linky, and if you add the Word of the Week badge to your post to help spread the ‘word’, I also tweet them out.
My word of the week this week is:
You know when you have those weeks where everything seems to be going wrong? Where no matter how hard you try, you keep on hitting brick walls? Yep, that’s been me this week.
It’s not been one thing. It’s been a good old mixture. And therein lies the problem, as any one, or even two or three of these, and I wouldn’t bat an eyelid. But they have dominated my week. Here are just a few examples, I won’t list everything as that list will go on and on!
We have had an ongoing plumbing issue for around a fortnight now. This isn’t something that can be easily ignored as it causes an ongoing shrill noise in the house. The house that I am in most of the time, trying to work. Yes, plumbers have been called but not got back to me. A lovely friend has tried to help, but it’s clearly not straightforward, and despite more hours than I care to count trying to figure it out, the issue remains. This has been so frustrating and could sum up my week on its own as it really has taken over!
We need some roofing work doing. It’s starting to bother me now, as I can see a damp patch forming, and we are going into the colder, wetter months. Though I am not keen on the potential expense, I want and need to get this sorted. I tried a roofer who was recommended to me, and have now given them up after several chases. I have another coming today, and I am cautiously optimistic that they will turn up!
Boo had to have two, not one, eye tests, to get to the stage that they were happy with her prescription. Two Saturdays in a row taking her over there for a test, the second one where she had eye drops. Then calls chasing up the glasses as they took a while to arrive. And now they are not right for her, giving her headaches and making everything blurry. More calls, back to square one, yet another test booked in for next week.
I know I can be my own worst enemy when things don’t go to plan, as I work hard to ensure that they do. I see that we need jobs doing, tasks completing, so I arrange to get them done. And now, two or three weeks on, they are still not done despite the calls and the plans, the time it takes. It is so frustrating.
I know that a shift in perspective will help me, and that’s what I have been working on. I am well aware that these are mere trifling issues and that it’s the combination of everything that has led me to be frustrated. But the fact remains that my overriding emotion this week has been one of frustration, so I will allow that word to sum up this week, and then I will do all I can to let go of the frustration and have a better week next week. I am determined!
What about you? What one word sums up your week best?
Please Note! This will be my last Word of the Week post. I have loved running this linky over the years, but it feels right to let it go now. It will be moving to the wonderful home of Anne, over at Raisie Bay every Friday, so go join in there from now on!
Please grab the badge, link up and share…

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.
I understand your frustration Jocelyn, I would feel exactly the same. Hopefully it’s just a run of bad luck and all the frustrations will soon come to an end. Poor Boo having to have multiple eye tests, those drops are not pleasant at all, I hope her new glasses will be better for her. Here’s to a much better, less frustrating weekend x
I am hoping so! Thank you x
Oh that does sound a very frustrating week. Hope you can get the plumbing and the roof fixed sooner rather than later and get Boo’s glasses sorted out. It is very frustrating when you have to chase up people, or have things repeated. Hope that you have a relaxing weekend and next week will be a much better one for you x #WotW
It has been frustrating, hopefully we’ll get there in the end. Thank you x
There must be something in the air. I used the phrase brick wall too. I had the frustrating week that knocked me off my stride last week. And you are right. It is not one thing. It is always a series of issues that are not totally in your control. If it’s any consolation, this week I’ve found a way to cope with it and control my feelings. There is light at the end of the tunnel. It will work out.
You are right, of course it will. Thanks x
I think you are more than entitled to feel frustrated! One of my pet peeves is when you need someone to do some work and no one seems to want to know! You’d think they’d want the money! Ugh to Boo’s glasses too, it’s bad enough when you try to sort yourself out, when it’s the kids it’s always twice the work. I’ll send you over a Gin and Tonic!
I know, that’s how I’ve been feeling! Thank you!
it’s so awful when everything seems to go wrong and I can so understand your frustration. I really hope you manage to get everything sorted soon.
Thanks for hosting x
Thanks very much x
Ugh! Weeks like this are very frustrating! Good luck with getting the repairs done. It is better to get them done now before the weather turns really bad. Poor Boo. What a faff on with the glasses and eye tests. x
Oh, it’s taking so much time! We’ll get there, thanks x
It’s never just one thing at a time is it?! I hope you find someone you can rely on for both of the jobs in the house and get them sorted soon. We had a damp patch on our wall last year and whilst it’s not the end of the world it does make you worry as of course the longer you leave it the more expensive the repairs could be. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! #WotW
It never is! Thank you x
Gosh, I so relate to this. I have a constant to do list. And it gets so frustrating when it just does not seem to happen for one reason for another. But what i do find is that suddenly 3 things get done at once. And then you have much less to do and its all seems much better. Hopefully next weeks post will be ‘relief’! Thank you for hosting #WOTW
This is true, here’s hoping! Thanks x
Sounds frustrating and why does it alwats when it all the problems happen at the same. I hope you have a calm weekend X #wotw
It always is! Thanks x
Ah bless you what a week, I hate it when things dont go to plan. And I hate big jobs that are necessary yet dont feel like they have a benefit. Thanks so much for hosting all these years you have been amazing, and built such a lovely community but linkies are so hard work we run Monday Escapes for a year and a half and it was so hard work to keep up with so I totally get your decision x
It’s frustrating! Ah, thank you. It’s been running for nearly five years, so it’ll be strange not to have it, but it’s the right choice, I think x