Word of the Week 14/2/14

Thanks for continuing to share your words with us all! We had our busiest week last week, with 41 of you joining in, and so many great words and stories summing up your weeks. Loved it! As always, anyone and everyone is very welcome to join in, and you can find out more about it here.

So, onto this week. My word is…


I like to be prepared, yes, but then the word also implies a level of planning and waiting that I’m not as keen on. I’m quite impatient and I like to just start things, get on with them, and see how they turn out! Nevertheless, this week’s definitely been about preparation. I’ve had my eagerly anticipated new camera, so I actually read a manual and prepared to use it properly (I never read instruction booklets, much to the Husband’s despair). We’ve plans to re-decorate both the living room and kitchen, so I’ve spent some time browsing, gathering samples and pinning inspiration (of course!). That’s also prompted a move around of furniture and a clear out so that’s kept me busy. We’re going away this weekend, so I’ve blog posts written and scheduled, a packing list jotted down and washing all up to date- phew! I’m in the midst of a blog redesign, and have a fabulous lady working on that for me, so I’m getting my ideas over to her, and preparing for my ‘re-branding’!  And I’ve had a couple of new ideas for blog series that are actually going to take a fair bit of thought, planning, and work before I begin them, so again, I am preparing…

What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Grab the badge, link up and share, and take a peek at the others…

The Reading Residence

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49 thoughts on “Word of the Week 14/2/14”

    1. Thanks very much – I’m excited, too 🙂 I’ll revel in this feeling now, as my weekend away will throw all of my time & plans out! Worth it, of course 🙂

  1. Oooooh very exciting plans on the horizon hon, look forward to hearing more about them! If it makes you feel better I never read instructions either, and my hubby dispairs of me too xx

  2. Sounds like you have had a productive week. I love being prepared, but am struggling to keep up with it all. How do people do it, posts, commenting, link ups, I am always chasing my tail. Well done on your great week x

    1. I know what you mean – it’s never ending! I haven’t got it all figured out yet, but if I ever do, I’ll let you know! X

  3. Pingback: Word of the Week #7 | Mummy's to do list

  4. Sounds like a busy but successful week. I’d love to feel more prepared at the moment! Blog redesign sounds exciting. I’d love to spruce mine up later this year but as I’ve only been going four months should probably develop and establish what I’ve got first. Look forward to seeing how it all goes for you.

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