Word of the Week 15/5/15

Hello and welcome to Word of the Week. Thanks to those of you that linked up last week, I look forward to reading all about your weeks this week.

If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. It’s a fun and friendly linky, so please do be lovely and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and share with them your thoughts on their words and weeks. I do comment on every entry to the linky, and if you add the Word of the Week badge to your post to help spread the ‘word’, I also tweet them out.

My word of the week this week is:



This one’s about my girl.

Boo always makes me proud, of course, both of my children do, but this week I’ve felt it all the more keenly.

It started with her swimming lesson on Saturday. She only started swimming earlier this year and always enjoys going. This week she came out clutching a soggy little note telling me that she swam, completely unaided, across the pool. She was so happy to tell me, though I think that’s mainly because it means that she’ll get a certificate and badge for it – she does love those! She’s doing so well, I am proud of her. The swim school’s fab, too, I am so glad that a friend mentioned it to me, as we now go together each week, and our two children spur each other on.

Unfortunately, she was struck down by a horrible sick bug that night, and was so ill all through the night into Sunday. She was then so good staying in her bedroom all day on the Sunday, something she’s never done before, as I was trying to get her to rest as well as keeping her germs away from her brother. I can assure you that I visited and cuddled her often, by the way, I didn’t just abandon her there! But she understood it was best to rest and to keep away from Little Man as she really didn’t want to pass it to him, though she desperately wanted to cuddle him. Each time he came to her bedroom threshold to see her, she warned him to stay out and they blew kisses at each other and chatted from afar. I thought it was really mature of her.

And then, as some of you may know, I am quite partial to losing myself in a good book or enjoying some pretty stationery. If you did not know that, really?! #BringBackPaper should tell you all! Well, I am so proud when I see these little quirks and traits coming through in my daughter, too. This week, Boo has moved up another reading level at school and is reading so much at home now. When she was off sick, she spent much of her time lying around reading, exactly as I’d have done in her place. I also received a lovely competition prize this week, a bundle of stationery (I was quite pleased to win that!) and we spent a little time together excitedly divvying up our loot and Boo was so happy to have her new notepads, folders and pens. I’ve also arranged a lovely new pen pal for her this week, too. She’s already received her first piece of happy mail from her, which was just so sweet.

Today she has her class assembly. I already know that I’ll be proud of her. She’s been excitedly practising and telling me all about it, and I know she will know her line, as she’s managed to tell me everyone else’s, too! But the thing that will make me proud is that I know she’ll have listened, learned and enjoyed every moment. My girl, my heart.

What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Please grab the badge, link up and share.

The Reading Residence

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.

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63 thoughts on “Word of the Week 15/5/15”

  1. Such a lovely word.

    I love how Boo is showing so many of your traits and that you can share reading and the love of paper together.

    Thanks for hosting x

  2. ah well done Boo for fantastic swimming & reading. It’s s lovely feeling seeing them doing so well & happy
    Hope she is feeling better now too. She sounds just lovely xxx

    1. It is, and as you say, it’s not just that they’re doing well, it’s that they’re happy to be doing it, too. Thank you xx

  3. Pingback: Word of the Week 15/5/2015 Looming #WOTW | early rising mum

  4. A big well done to Boo on swimming across the pool and going up a reading level – proud is definitely the right word for your week. So sorry to hear that she was unwell but so impressed that she stayed in bed and how adorable that she and Little Man were blowing kisses from the door. Hope she is now back to her usual self and that all goes well in assembly today. Thanks for hosting #WotW 🙂

    1. Thanks, Louise. She’s achieved so much this week, and made me very proud, such a shame she had to suffer with being poorly, too. She is well now, though still quieter and more tired than normal so hoping she’ll re-energise this weekend! Assembly was great 🙂 x

    1. Thanks, Iona. I felt so sorry for her, getting ill again, but she didn’t moan at all, just got on with it x

  5. Hope the assembly has gone well – I’m sure it will have done. Sounds a great week, illness aside but even then glimpses of how grown up your girl is becoming – and how cute was the blowing kisses to each other? Thanks for hosting x

  6. Oh Boo has such a big heart for such a wee girl! That’s a lovely post and you have plenty of reasons to be proud – I especially like that her and her brother were blowing kisses & chatting to each other from afar!
    Sorry to hear she was poorly again, esp as you guys have had a lot of sickness recently. But glad she’s on the mend
    You should be one happy, proud Mummy xx

    1. She really has, thank you. Her teacher often comments on how kind and thoughtful she is at school, too, which is just what you want to hear as a parent, isn’t it? She is on the up, thanks, and hope with half term on the horizon, she’ll get a little rest soon. Thanks xx

  7. You are rightly so to be proud, well done Boo for doing so well.
    Sorry she felt under the weather, but how cute that she still wanted to be with her little brother and blowing kisses to each other.
    And I am sure she will be awesome in her assembly this morning.
    Have a great weekend hon 🙂 xx

  8. Just reading your post I can hear the pride oozing from you and it’s a lovely thing. Letting your daughter know how proud you are of her will make her feel so good too. Learning to swim may one day save her life, making it invaluable.

    And as for loving the written word, that’s great too. I am sure that these days there is a decline in reading among youngsters, which is sad.

    You have every right to be proud of your daughter and I hope she’s feeling back to normal again.


    1. I am oozing with it, that is true! And I love telling her how proud I am of her, it is important. I’ve always wanted her to read well and enjoy books, more to the point, as I think it gives her a great start in life along with a fabulous hobby for life. I was delighted to be told by her teacher after her assembly today that she’s been reassessed for her reading again and is now reading at a level two years above her age. And she loves it. My work here is done….!! Thank you xx

      1. Enjoying and appreciating books is a simple pleasure and I am happy that my two enjoy books too. I had more books than baby clothes when my two were born as I couldn’t wait to read to them and I am sure the fact that we had fun whilst reading the books helped build their enjoyment.

        I didn’t stop reading to them at night until my son was about 15 and daughter 12, to be honest by that time it was a joint effort, but it was something we all enjoyed doing. It makes me sad to think that there are children that have never had a story read to them and aren’t encouraged to read.

        1. That is lovely, and I like to think I’ve still many years of reading to them at night to look forward to. It is incredibly sad that not every child has this, as I feel it’s so important on so many levels x

  9. How lovely to have a week of things to make you proud. And to share a hobby with your daughter is so special too – I still remember baking, reading, bike rides and practising netball with my mum – fond memories xx

  10. Aw that’s so lovely and so great to hear she is doing so well at swimming and reading 🙂 hope she is feeling better and must have been tricky keeping the kids separate but worth it if he didn’t get ill too! Xx

  11. Oh, what a lovely post. Your daughter sounds so sweet and so caring of her little brother! I love to hear it when parents are proud of their children.

    Hope she’s feeling much better now – tummy bugs are awful aren’t they. My daughter had her first sickness bug last week and it was quite an experience 😉 x

    1. Thank you. She’s lovely and such a great big sister. I hate tummy bugs, though we’ve had a fair few here so we’re getting used to them now! Hope your daughter’s OK now x

  12. Boo sounds like a very mature and thoughtful young lady. When mine have a bug they like to share it around with everyone! I hope she is fully recovered now x

    1. She was so good with it, she really made me proud. She’s over it, but still so tired so I think we’ll have a relaxing weekend now x

  13. Lovely post….seeing your children learn to read is such a joy, isn’t it? My son has taken to reading his little brother stories from the top bunk of their beds. It’s so sweet listening to them. I am very happy to be linking up for the first time this week x

    1. Thank you. Yes, it’s wonderful to see, not just that she can do it either, but that she takes such pleasure in doing so. It is lovely when they read to their siblings, too 🙂 Thanks for joining in x

  14. Ah such a lovely post! It does sound like Boo is growing into a lovely young lady. I really hope Arthur inherits my love for reading too – all the signs are good so far! x

    1. It’s lovely when they adore their books, and you know you’re setting them up for a great start and a passion for life x

  15. So many people have been struck down by this awful bug, I know what you mean about being thrilled about them reading. My youngest has just started reading Harry Potter, I have read all the books and loved them and I am so excited he is reading and enjoying them x

  16. What a fab post. Well done to Boo for being such a star in swimming and reading. Your kids sound really sweet too. Proud is the word indeed. I hope you had a lovely weekend. xx

  17. Yay well done Boo! What an amazing little girl you have. She is sounding very mature lately, bless her. I love when a child really loves to read, my tween is like that 🙂 #WotW

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