Word of the Week 21/2/14

Welcome again to Word of the Week! A chance for you to reflect upon your week and sum it up in one word – all are welcome to join in, so come on…

My week needs to be summed up by the word…


Yep, there’s no way around it, this has to be my word. I like to see my week in a positive light, however challenging it may have been, but this week, this is it. I was full of a stinking cold last Friday and Saturday, but so be it, until Sunday morning when Boo and I both woke up (in a hotel on our weekend away) feeling awful. We missed out on the hotel breakfast we’d been really looking forward to and headed straight back home, missing out on a day by the seaside. Things then deteriorated, with this flu virus thingy, with us cancelling play dates and all fun plans, as I could barely move and Boo wasn’t much better, for several days. So yes, it’s taken over our week, so needs to be my word. Always searching for a positive slant, though, it has meant I’ve lost half a stone – every cloud and all that…..

What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Grab the badge, link up and share, and take a peek at the others…

The Reading Residence

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday

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58 thoughts on “Word of the Week 21/2/14”

  1. You poor things! That is an awful lot of weight to lose too, I hope you both fully recover quickly. The kids and I all had swine flu last month and being ill while the kids are ill is so so hard. Sending get well wishes your way x

  2. Oh dear that sounds really nasty. I hope you’re on the mend now. My husband is ill and it has taken over the week somewhat. It hasn’t felt much like a break, but at least there’s been no school runs to contend with and I do like us being together! Sending get well hugs xx

  3. Oh no! So sorry you’ve both been ill and it ruined your lovely weekend away. Hope you’re both much better now and can make up for it this weekend – get all the ingredients in for a good breakfast and have it at home! Hope next week’s word is back to your usual positivity! Take care x

  4. Oh no! Seems like everyone has had a poorly week this week. Hopefully next week will be a better one! 🙂 Get better soon! x

  5. Pingback: Word of the Week #8 | Mummy's to do list

  6. Pingback: Word Of The Week | @ Hundred Acre Farm

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