Word of the Week 24/8/18

Hello and welcome to Word of the Week!

If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. It’s a fun and friendly linky, so please do be lovely and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and share with them your thoughts on their words and weeks. I do comment on every entry to the linky, and if you add the Word of the Week badge to your post to help spread the ‘word’, I also tweet them out.

My word of the week this week is:

This has been a week of the unexpected.

The Husband was supposed to be off for a few days, but something unexpected cropped up at work and he felt it best to cancel his break and go in. It was unavoidable, but such a shame as we’d all been looking forward to our days together.

This then meant that we were unexpectedly free when my friend Emma called on us for a soft play date, so it was great to make that and watch our kids get very sweaty playing! And the kids are off to the cinema today with their grandparents to see Incredibles 2, which they’re excited about.

They went to the cinema with my mum at the start of the week to see Christopher Robin (which they adored). This was planned and expected, but I didn’t expect my internet to go down for the whole afternoon that they were out, when I’d planned to get a load of work done. This unexpected occurrence led me to spend the afternoon watching Persuasion and writing letters instead of working, so it wasn’t completely unwelcome!

I’ve also had a work project that I proposed progress, which I hadn’t quite expected. It’ll involve some lovely ‘me-time’ and a little craftiness, so watch this space for details on that soon…

Of course the one thing that I absolutely expected was for my nephew to do well in his GCSEs, and with the results out yesterday, he did so well! I knew he would, well done T!

What about you? What one word sums up your week best?

Please grab the badge, link up and share…

The Reading Residence

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.

Sharing is caring!

16 thoughts on “Word of the Week 24/8/18”

  1. What a shame you didn’t have that time with your hubby but it sounds like you still had a lovely week and even the internet going down was a positive in some ways! Well done to your nephew on doing well with his GCSEs and good luck with your projects too. Thanks for hosting #WotW

  2. It’s a shame your husband had to cancel his leave but it sounds like you have made the most of the unexpected change of plans. I find that when I plan a day of work something usually goes wrong with technology, I usually give up and read instead. Well done to your nephew ! Have a lovely weekend x

  3. Sometimes the unexpected throws us right off track but it sounds like it has worked out quite well for you! I hope you find some alternative days off with your husband, it must be tough for him being away from the kids like that when you’ve made nice plans together. #WotW

  4. Oh no! That’s a shame that your hubby had to go into work….
    I hope the kids had a fan time at the cinema today….Ahh! I really want to see Christopher Robin. It looks such a lovely film.
    That is rubbish about the internet but it sounds like you got plenty done.
    Well done to your nephew x

  5. Its a nightmare when the internet goes down isnt it? Sounds like you had a lovely time with Emma and its fab all of your kids get on so well. Well done to your nephew I cant believe that this time last year that was us, it seems like a lifetime ago.

  6. It’s always fun when life throws some unexpected things your way. I want to see both Christopher Robin and Incredibles 2. I have to wait until all of our schedules are in sync. My children are older and have other obligations, but we always find time to watch a movie or play games. So glad I found your blog and linky party.

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