Word of the Week 30/10/15

Hello and welcome to Word of the Week.

If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. It’s a fun and friendly linky, so please do be lovely and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and share with them your thoughts on their words and weeks. I do comment on every entry to the linky, and if you add the Word of the Week badge to your post to help spread the ‘word’, I also tweet them out.

My word of the week this week is:


We’ve had a lovely week with Boo being with us all week. We’ve used this half term to catch up with friends and have a little recharge. Boo’s spent time rediscovering all of the things she had for her birthday earlier this month, as she’d barely had to time to look at anything until now. It’s been good to have lazier mornings, and the kids have adored playing with each other all day long.

But, lest I paint too relaxing a picture, we have also been potty training. So yes, this has dominated the week, though I suppose my word should really be toilet as that’s where Little Man has preferred to train. And he’s got it, he is now out of nappies and a ‘big boy’. Boo’s been great at helping him rush to the toilet all week, and it’s been sweet to see her looking after him. He trained in just a couple of days, so I’ll bring you a full update on that soon.

What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Please grab the badge, link up and share.

The Reading Residence

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.

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Sharing is caring!

43 thoughts on “Word of the Week 30/10/15”

  1. Well done to the Little Man what an achievement! My kids have all trained on the toilet, I don’t like potty’s I just don’t see the point. Although I did use one with Star, I think I used everything under the sun with her as she was so difficult (there is always one!)

  2. Oh yay well done to the little man on training! I don’t miss potty training one bit. Although I do hope that when we attempt it second time round I won’t be sobbing 🙂

  3. Sounds like a lovely week week, I have had a week off this half term and haven’t been up before 9am once it’s been great! Lie in’s are the way to go. Well done to little man on the potty training x

  4. Pingback: Word of the Week 30/10/2015 Fun #WOTW | early rising mum

  5. Hi Jocelyn, how wonderful is it that your little boy has taken to using the toilet so easily. It just goes to show that when children are ready to come out of nappies they do quite readily. It’s also nice to hear that his sister is more than happy to help him too!

    Thank you for hosting and have a happy, accident free weekend!


  6. Oh well done its such an achievement when they finally crack it isn’t it, and yes the lazier mornings have been so wonderful. The first term is so hard and everybody ends up in so much need for a rest, I am glad you all got one xxx

  7. If it is one thing that scares me it’s potty training. Can’t we just keep them in nappies and they eventually change their own. 😉 Thanks for hosting #WotW

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