Hello and welcome to Word of the Week!
If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. It’s a fun and friendly linky, so please do be lovely and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and share with them your thoughts on their words and weeks. I do comment on every entry to the linky, and if you add the Word of the Week badge to your post to help spread the ‘word’, I also tweet them out.
My word of the week this week is:
We’ve had quite a busy week, looking back on it. It’s been full of days out and seeing friends.
Last Saturday saw us spending the day in Worcester, giraffe hunting and visiting my brother in his coffee shop there, then Sunday saw us at The Big Feastival. This week we have caught up with family and had two play dates with friends, and we’ve another today.
Tuesday morning brought a surprise with it, as my washing machine decided to die on me. Fortunately it was right at the end of the wash cycle so the clothes could all go out and dry, but I have been without it since and my laundry basket is getting rather full! I spent more hours than I care to recall researching washer dryers, and eventually chose and bought one, which should be arriving tomorrow. I will instantly be popping a load in!
It’s been good to see the Bring Back Paper Facebook group getting busier. There are a fair few members there now and the feed is full of papery delights and chatter, which of course I love.
I can’t believe that the kids will be back to school next week. The six weeks have flown by, and looking back they are full of good memories. Whilst I am looking forward to working on some blog plans that I have, I know that I will miss the noise levels and freedom to cuddle my babies any time I want throughout the day. But before the new term begins, we will be celebrating Little Man’s birthday. We have fun over the weekend planned in, and then he knows what he wants to do on Monday, the big day. We have a bag full of presents for him, so until term begins, I will remain in fun mode!
What about you? What one word sums up your week best?
Please grab the badge, link up and share…

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.
You’ve certainly packed lots in to the final week of the holidays ! What a same about the washing machine, at least it’s a good excuse for a shiny new one I suppose. I’m hoping to have more time to contribute to the Facebook group once school starts again, I’ve loved seeing all the bookish posts on there. I hope your little man has a fabulous time celebrating his birthday, have a lovely weekend x
I love that group, but like you, I can’t keep up half the time! Thanks x
I love the sound of the giraffe hunting in Worcester. Glad your washing machine went at the end of a wash and you were able to get it dry but it must have been hard being without it – I can well imagine how quickly the wash pile built up! Hope your new one arrives on time. Happy birthday to Little Man for Monday and hope he has a fun day. #WotW
Oh yes, you’d love it! Thanks very much x
Oh wow, you haven’t stopped! It all sounds amazing, but what are the chances you will be collapsing onto the sofa the day the kids go back to school? haha 🙂 I had no idea there was a facebook group for Bring Paper Back, I’ve just sent a request to join. #WotW
Lovely, hope you enjoy chatting there! x
A very busy week indeed! I hope the Little Man has a truly wonderful birthday weekend, I bet he’s really excited.
Thanks for hosting x
He’s so excited! Thanks x
Wow! busy week full of lovely things 🙂 Happy Birthday to Little Man, hope he has a lovely day
Thanks very much x
OOhh sounds like a busy week! I cant believe that Sebastian will go back to school next week as well! Cant wait to have a bit of me time as we have spent every waking hours together this summer holidays =P
It has been! Enjoy a little time to yourself x
Your week definitely sounds busier than mine. I love the holidays too and all the memories that we make. And, although I will miss the holidays, I also feel slightly happy to get back into normal routines. I hope Little Man has a great Birthday day. #WotW
Yes, there is something satisfying about returning to the routines. Thank you!
You have been busy….Giraffe hunting sounds like fun!
That is frustrating about the washing machine. At least it finished it’s cylcle though. Good luck with the new one.
The holidays have flown over. I am pretty sad that they’re going back to school next week. Happy birthday to your boy! I hope he has a fab day x
It was fun, there were so many giraffes! Thanks, the new one should be here soon and I’ll soon be getting a load on! Thank you x
What a busy week you.habe had, the giraffe hunting sounds fun. Glad the washing machine is sorted X #wotw.
So am I, took me ages to choose one! x
Aw happy birthday little Man, and it sounds like a packed week. I feel the same I have loved the summer and have Joe home for so long this year I am so glad he is going to get back into it, but at the same time am going to miss him and our adventures together. But like you have a few blog projects I am dying to get my teeth into x
Thanks! It’s been a great summer, but time to return to routine and more work now, I think! x