Word Of The Year For 2024

Hello and Happy New Year, everyone! I’m back from spending some lovely time with my family and I’m ready to kick this year off.

Last year I decided to have a word of the year, and going into 2024, I want to do that again as it helped both sum up and shape my thoughts going into the new year.

I’m not a fan of New Year and as I’m a sunshine and heat person, the next two or three months are my least favourite of the year. 

By taking a moment to think about my word of the year and what 2024 might bring, it helps me to focus and feel more positive about the new year. 

I’ve decided that my word of the year will be ‘progress’.

When this one first came to me it felt a bit wishy washy, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me.

It works well for the kids as they progress through school, my son starting secondary school in 2024 and my daughter beginning her GCSEs. 

And it works well for me as I move forwards into 2024.

It’s deliberately ‘progress’ as any progress is good. 

In 2024 I want to build up my health and fitness, this is a priority for me, but instead of setting goals in terms of achievements, I need to keep it as ‘progress’. 

I don’t want to push myself too fast or get frustrated and impatient, I want to listen to my body and build and progress steadily. I want to celebrate those small wins. 

I want to further progress so that I’m in a good place mentally and psychologically, as cancer and its treatment does give your mind a beating as well as your body. 

I also wish to re-focus here and make a few changes, all in the name of progress. I like taking on new challenges and trying new things out and as 2023 was dominated by my health, I want to make some progress in this area this year. I enjoy it, it motivates me.  

For my son, I know starting in Year 7 at a new school can be challenging, so any progress there at all is going to be good, be it academically or socially. It’s a big adjustment from primary school, so I hope to help my son see every step as progress and not to worry too much about making huge strides in his first months.

For my daughter, she needs to make her subject selections which will see her one step further to her GCSEs and then regularly work towards those grades that she wants. Again, little steps all the time. 


I want to be further forward than I am now. I don’t know how much further forward and I am allowing for that progress to take steps back here and there, my hopes are that by the time that the end of this year rolls around, I will look back and feel that I’ve made some progress. 

I’m hoping my health holds up, but I am being honest and realistic that my body and my medication might give me problems over the coming months. I just want to see some progress. 

I realise it’s not that dynamic a word, but it’s positive and inspiring to me and it’s helped to focus and ground me, so here’s to a year of progress.

Do you have a word for the year? 





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6 thoughts on “Word Of The Year For 2024”

  1. Hi Jocelyn, that sounds like a really good choice – it’s certainly a dynamic one: onward movement! I haven’t chosen a word (yet) but I should spend a bit of time thinking about it. Thanks for the reminder to do that.
    I’m wondering what new things are you planning to try out this year?

  2. I think this is a really sensible, positive and realistic word and focus for this year (and any year!) it sounds like a lot of big steps are happening for your children and you have lots of personal goals. every day at a time is a really good way to look at the year. I hope you do make progress where you want to thus year. xx

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