Word of the Week – 14/3/14

Thank you so much for continuing to share your words of the week with me, I love it! A fabulous 53 of you linked up last week, which was the most we’ve had – you kept me busy!

Word of the Week is all about summing up your week in one word. You can write as little or as much as you like about your week, but we need to know that word! Anyone can join in, and we are a friendly bunch, so be lovely to hear how your week has been.

So, onto mine, and it is has been…


It started with our weekend. Last Saturday was our 12th wedding anniversary, so the Husband and I went out for a meal that we could eat and enjoy at a leisurely pace, as we had no children trying to steal our food or requiring our attention! On Sunday, with the sun shining brightly, we headed out to a National Trust property, Attingham Park. It was so beautiful there, and it was warm and sunny, so we roamed around the house and gardens, the children had a blast out on the huge playing field that they have there, and we stopped by the cafe for cakes – bliss! It was reminiscent of a holiday, all leisurely and happy.

Then onto the rest of the week. As regular readers will know, the Husband was made redundant a couple of weeks ago, so it’s been all change here. In amongst the changes is the need for him to now buy a car to get to his new job. This element to my week has not been leisurely, but I’ve elected to put that aside! It has meant that he’s needed to take the family car to work each day, so we’ve been sort of housebound (a word I did consider, but not entirely true!). This has meant no pre-school for Boo, and no real plans each day. We’ve been out on scooter rides, spring walks, playing in the garden, had messy play sessions, baked cookies, read stories, and plenty more besides. There has been no real sense of urgency, and every morning feels unhurried. It’s been refreshing. Though, I don’t want to mislead you into thinking that is has all been delightful – staying in a lot with an 18 month old with a very short attention span and a tendency towards chaos and mischief has it’s challenges! But on balance, I’m going with leisurely.

What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Grab the badge, link up and share, and take a peek at the others…

The Reading Residence

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday. Follow on Bloglovin Visit The Reading Residence’s profile on Pinterest.

Sharing is caring!

77 thoughts on “Word of the Week – 14/3/14”

  1. Just linked for the 2nd time in a row, wouhou! Glad you managed to make the most of Boo’s ‘time off’ from pre-school. Hope your hubby finds a car soon. x Mel

  2. I rather like the idea of being leisurely, a lovely way to look at it. We don’t have a car as my husband needs it for work and sometimes it can feel a little constrained when you know you have to walk everywhere, but now the weather is improving we’re able to get out in the garden which helps a lot. So I totally understand how interesting and exhausting it can be with a little one who wants to get into everything!

  3. Leisurely sounds great. My week has been totally opposite to that, though I am hoping come saturday night I can finally think about slowing down.
    Sounds like you had a fun week though with lots of time together to do good activities x

  4. It’s great to have a week to slow down now and then! Leaves you appreciating when you have the transportation to do just what you want, as well as doing things you wouldn’t have had ‘time’ for if you had transportation readily available and were hardly home 🙂

  5. Ha, I love the little ‘disclaimer’ about the chaos and mischief 😉 sounds like a wonderul unhurried week though. I’ve got gremlins with my linky. So here it is for now… Will try to link up later.

    1. Yes, the weather has definitely helped. I think it’d have been a very different word if it had rained all week!

  6. Leisurely is a fantastic word to be able to use to describe your week! Hopefully it’s a word that I will get to use in the near future! x

    1. Thanks, we’ve needed it with the stresses of the past couple of weeks & my husband’s redundancy. Hope to see it as your word soon x

  7. Ooh, good word! A few days of less rushing around can be lovely, can’t they? Routine is great, but sometimes it’s nice to just take life at our own pace too! Glad you have had a good week. And thankyou for the lovely wee linky! E x

  8. I’ve been rather housebound too, with a sick five year old, but it has not been all that leisurely. Your week sounds pretty good – sometimes it is good just to take a little time out.x

  9. All the best to your hubby in finding work again! And hope you will have another car soon so you can move about! I admire your choice of perspective and word, though!xx

  10. All linked up for the first time 🙂 Happy Anniversary, it sounds like a lovely way to celebrate. I totally get the housebound thing, I was without my car for 5 months and I nearly went stir crazy!

    1. Fab, and welcome! Thank you, and I’m not sure how I’d manage for that long! It would not feel leisurely 😉

  11. A leisurely week sounds lovely! Not sure if my week would have been described that way if I’d been at home on my own with my two all that time though!! X

    1. Well, it’s been unhurried as we haven’t needed to be anywhere, so I thought leisurely sounded nice. Nicer than ‘chaotic’!

    1. Well, they’ve not actually been lounging! But the fact we haven’t had to be anywhere or do anything has felt leisurely. They’ve just been running around like crazy in the house and garden!

  12. Pingback: Word of the Week – a new one for me! | (ex)britishexpatsinpng

  13. Leisurely sounds just perfect. I do enjoy having the time to do things at our own pace, no shouting at the children to hurry up, just taking the days as they come. I think it should be my mission to have one leisurely day a week!!

    1. Yes, that’s exactly it – no hurrying them along, just taking each hour as it comes – felt good 🙂

    1. Thank you & welcome to #WotW! Ah, but if you saw my word last week, you’d see there’s no need to be jealous & that we needed a good one 😉

  14. Some enforced stay-at-home with no plans sounds good to me (though I don’t have an 18mth old to entertain!) Best of luck with all job related stuff to your husband. I’m sure it’s been a stressful time. Helen

    1. It has been good, though yes, sometimes challenging with Little Man. Fortunate the weather’s been nice as he loves to get outside. And thank you, it’s not been the easiest of times x

  15. It’s so easy to rush, rush, rush everywhere and be busy, busy, busy but not actually achieve anything except higher stress levels. Leisurely makes me think of calmness and pleasure. And you managed to spend real quality time doing things with Boo.

    1. It has felt great to have such a laidback week, and everything I needed to do has still got done, probably more, and we’ve all enjoyed it. Not sure I could do it every week, though!

  16. Isn’t it lovely when you can eat a meal without a small hand trying to grab some of your food?! Congratulations on your 12th anniversary, it’s our 12th anniversary in a couple of weeks too x

    1. It was great, if a little strange! I’m used to having to share more! Thank you and congrats to you, too – hope you enjoy yours, too x

  17. Pingback: Word of the Week #11 | Mummy's to do list

  18. Pingback: Strength | Life (as we know it)

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