Hello and welcome to Word of the Week!
If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. It’s a fun and friendly linky, so please do be lovely and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and share with them your thoughts on their words and weeks. I do comment on every entry to the linky, and if you add the Word of the Week badge to your post to help spread the ‘word’, I also tweet them out.
My word of the week this week is:
It’s been one of those weeks where I have been reflecting. Thinking about what the kids are up to and how happy I am to see them enjoying themselves and all that’s yet to come over the next few weeks. A week of reflecting, pondering, planning and feeling proud. But there’s not just one word for all of that (if you know one, do tell!), so I’m going with the overall theme of reflecting.
This week has seen Boo try a new sports activity and have her parents evening and school report. More on the new sports activity on the blog next week, but suffice to say that she was initially unsure about it and now she loves it! Her school report was lovely to read and for the last parents evening of the year, she comes along with us to show us her work and chat to her teachers. As she always does, she has made us proud again, being very caring and helpful at school, as well as excelling in all areas. We can ask no more, and the main thing is that she loves going every day and has a truly lovely group of friends and classmates.
My Little Man continues to adore his swimming lessons and I love seeing him in the water, he’s just so happy there. I cannot help but reflect on how far his confidence has come and how he’s no longer quite the ‘little man’ as he is growing up so fast! I am very conscious that we only have one more week left with just the two of us at home during the week, as it’ll then be the holidays and he’ll be off to school with his sister after that. I’ve been thinking back over the past years we’ve had at home together and as these thoughts have pervaded all others daily, it’s been all about having fun with him so he’s pretty much done whatever he wants and is therefore loving life!
I have started thinking about his birthday that falls right at the end of the summer break and getting a few bits in ready for that. His own wish list grows longer daily, something that I could never hope to keep up with! But I’ve booked him a little party in and arranged a few treats so far. Still plenty of time to sort things, I’m just aware that I’ll have the kids with me all the time from next weekend and we’re also away for a week before his birthday. As upcoming birthdays always do, it has had me reflecting on how quickly this past year has flown by and wondering how on earth my tiny baby is about to turn five?!
As I look back, I’ve also been aware that this week saw the anniversary of our handsome hound passing, it’s been two years this week. Anniversaries like this always make you look back, don’t they? I do miss his floppy ears and soulful eyes, I have been thinking of him this week.
And then there’s that Open University result. That I am still waiting on! I have been thinking back on that final assignment that will influence my entire module result. Clearly, I have been wondering and hoping every single day whether today would be the day that I’d be put out of my misery. But not yet!
What about you? What one word sums up your week best?
Please grab the badge, link up and share (Please note it’s a new badge code, so do use this one, thanks!)

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.
I’ve been feeling very reflective lately as well there must be something in the water ! Well done to Boo it sounds like she’s had a wonderful school year. One thing is for sure as a parent, time flies right in front of your eyes. One minute they are the babies the next we are waving them off for a full day of school. It’s certainly an emotional time for us mums.
My lovely dog Cass passed away 8 years this June and I still think about her often and miss her so much so I know what you mean about looking back. They really do leave an empty space when they go.
Hope you have a lovely weekend x
Time goes by way too quickly. Pets are very much a part of the family, there’s always a hole left when they leave us x
You do have a lot to reflect on but it sounds like Boo and the Little Man are doing just fine. It will be strange when Little Man goes to school, it’s a real adjustment. I know what you mean about calling him the Little Man, my Little Man is approaching 7, yes 7, how on earth did that happen. He’s growing big too but in a way he will always be my baby and therefore he can always be my Little Man, even if he’s really not that little anymore.
Good luck with your OU results, I remember what it was like waiting for them, and then being terrified to open the envelope when it arrived. I’m sure you’ve done really well though. x
This is true, they will always be our babies. Thank you, I should hear soon! x
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Amazing how fast the last year of pre-school comes round. I bet he is excited. End of an era, but the start of a new one. Glad Boo is doing well at school. We’ve had 2 out of 3 reports today and they are all good. I can well imagine you waiting for the post. I still get that feeling around exam result time, even though I’ve not taken one for years. Hopefully they’ll put you out of your misery soon! We lost one of our dogs two weeks ago and the house is so quiet without her.
They’re both doing well, so all’s good, thanks. Sorry to hear that, sending love x
What a great way to look at the week! It helps when things have been going smoothly, so yay for that, Jocelyn!!
Thanks, Jodie!
It is good to reflect! Sounds like both children are really excelling in this life business X #wotw
They are happy little souls! Thanks x
We lost our beagle last year just a day after my birthday – early May will not be the same for me and I found I wasn’t in the mood for celebrating my birthday this year. 🙁 Hopefully it will get a bit easier but I really fell apart when he passed away. Hugs.
It’s so hard to lose them. It does get easier, less painful to remember over time, I think x
Sounds like all the perfect reasons to reflect (even of a pet because that brings back happy memories). thanks for hosting #wotw
Yes, you’re absolutely right x
Reflecting does sum up your week, time has flown since your handsome dog passed away, he was very photogenic.
Hope the school holidays don’t whizz by for you as quickly as the last few weeks.
Well done Boo and Little Man on their achievements and fingers crossed for your OU result x
Time goes by so quickly! Thanks very much x
I can’t wait to hear about Boo’s sports activity. It sounds very interesting…
Enjoy the final week of just your boy and you….
My youngest girls birthday is at the end of August and she has made quite a list too….I really hope she isn’t expecting everything!
Aww! Two years seems to have flown over since your dog passed away. So sad. Thinking of you x
She loved it so much! Thank you, and I’m with you, I hope they don’t expect the whole list! x
Oh wow is it 2 years, that has really flown. Ah little mad must be so excited about School he will have so much fun and you will have a little more time for yourself. Its fab to see them find and explore new sports xx
I love seeing their interests develop as they grow, lots of fun for them x