Hello and welcome to Word of the Week!
If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. It’s a fun and friendly linky, so please do be lovely and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and share with them your thoughts on their words and weeks. I do comment on every entry to the linky, and if you add the Word of the Week badge to your post to help spread the ‘word’, I also tweet them out.
My word of the week this week is:
I’m often proud of my kids, of course, but it’s something that has especially struck me this week.
We’ve had Boo’s end of year report and parents evening, and she continues to do very well as well as trying hard. She is a popular and kind member of the class, which is always lovely to hear. She adores going to school and takes absolutely everything in her stride. I’m always proud of her, and it tends to be the little things that make me most proud. Her confidence, the way that she tootles into her self-defence class, where she doesn’t really know anyone, and happily waves me off and gets on with it. Her easy-going nature, the way that she asks to do something, I explain to her why she can’t, and she shrugs and accepts it with no arguments and no tantrums. Her maturity, how I see her growing up more and more each day. These are little snippets that I’ve seen this week and they all make me smile.
Little Man has come home this week with a good behaviour certificate from nursery. I’ve got his parents evening there next week, and I’m already so pleased with how well he’s settled in and has quietly been making friends. He has also been to a brand new class over the weekend, a football class. This is one that he’d actually asked to go to, which is unusual for him as he’s not keen on trying new things. Admittedly, when the day came round he was objecting to going which is standard, but he did go and he did shyly join in, with the Husband’s support. He came home very pleased with himself, showing off his new kit, bless him.
My kids are both so different to one another, and they have both made me very proud this week.
What about you? What one word sums up your week best?
Please grab the badge, link up and share.

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.
That’s so lovely to read that they are both doing well.It’s no wonder you are proud and so you should be. Thanks for hosting! #wotw
Thank you!
Well done to both children. Sounds like they are doing really well and settling into everything. X
They are, thank you x
Well done to Boo on her end of year report and glad to hear that she is so confident with trying new things and taking it all in her stride. Well done too to Little Man – so pleased to hear that he has settled in much more with nursery and got a certificate and joined in with a new class for the first time – all very good reasons to be proud! Thank you for hosting #WotW 🙂
Boo is doing so well and her confidence constantly amazes me! It’s great to see my boy settling in, too, I am proud! Thanks x
I love a “proud” mummy post 🙂 Thank you for hosting #wotw
Thank you!
Aww, how lovely. It’s lovely to get a snapshot of your child at school and you’ve got some lovely feedback from Boo’s teachers. Successfully completing a school year is something you should be very proud of!
As for your Little Man, I remember reading her how he was reluctant to go to nursery, look how things have changed!
Hope you have a lovely weekend xx
Oh, he’s still somewhat reluctant! At least he goes now without the tears, so that’s good enough for me! x
Ah, that’s a lovely word. And how Little Man is coming on, definitely something to be proud of – of both of them. Thanks for hosting, have a lovely weekend
He really is, it’s lovely to see. Thanks, you too x
Awww what a a wonderful word to sum up a week. How lovely – it’s so nice to hear that both of them are doing so well and enjoying things so much.
Thank you!
I think it’s wonderful that they both want to try new things even if one is more confident than the other, sometimes all children need is a little gentle encouragement and reassurance. Well done to your little girl on her report and your little man on his certificate. #WotW
I was very happy when my son asked to go as he is not very confident or keen on new things, whereas his sister? She’ll try anything! Thank you.
We seem to be behind everyone else with school reports this year, but I’m sure I’ll have something to be proud of next week (fingers tightly crossed!) It’s wonderful being a proud mummy and well done to your Boo and Little Man xx And of course we are all very proud of you and all your hard work too xx
I’m sure you will! Ah, thank you very much xx
Boo definitely sounds mature for her age. I wish T was a little bit more outgoing like her. Sounds like she did well in her end of year report. Well done to her and your little man of course 🙂 #wotw
She is mature, and to be honest, I’ve no idea why she’s so outgoing, but she has so much confidence! It helps her so much and she does do very well at school. It’s great to see my son coming on, too, his confidence grows daily, slowly but surely x
Aww what a lovely word! Congratulations on the reports and certificates. Isnt it amazing that in a month time our kids will be in Yr 2?!!
I know, what is happening?!
Pingback: Word of the Week 15/7/2016 Birthdays #WotW | early rising mum
Well done to both of them! it’s lovely to hear about 🙂
Thank you!
I love reading blog posts like this. Proud is such a wonderful word to describe being a parent. It’s sounds like both of your two are doing really really well so it’s no wonder that you are so proud. I took my little one to preschool for a look around last week and just seeing her sat on the bench with all the other children made my heart literally burst with pride xxx
Oh yes, it’s the moments like that that do get you! So sweet x
Brilliant. Every right to be full of pride. Well done all x
Thank you x
Aww! Well done your children….It sounds like they are both doing so great. It sounds like you have every reason to be proud x
They are, thank you x
Proud is a great word for the week! A great feeling and sounds like your kiddos are amazing little people!
I think so, but then I am a tad biased!
Well done to both your children. They do sound like a complete credit to you 🙂 hope you have a fab summer and thanks for hosting X
Thank you x
Awww what fab news, sometimes it is good to have kids different gives variety and can help enhance parenting. X #wotw
Very true, thanks x
Ah so lovely, well done Boo on a great report and its great to see little Man has settled into nursery. It is such an important time our two boys loved nursery and well done for trying football,, its a great way to keep fit x
Thank you! It is and it is flying by! x
It surprises me that despite having the same parents the children turn out differently. It’s lovely hearing about your children and how they make you feel proud. Thanks for hosting #WotW
I know what you mean, but they are so different! Thank you x
Lovely to read how proud you are of your children Jocelyn. It IS amazing how they mature every day and make us proud.
It is, they never cease to amaze me.
what a lovely word this week, so nice to have so much to be proud of!
Thank you, they are the best x