Thank you so much for continuing to share and to link up. I love reading everyone’s chosen words, and it’s great to see so many familiar linkers, as well as new ones each week.
If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. Come join in! All that I ask is that if you link up, you link back to me, and visit a handful of other blogs and comment on their words.
My word of the week this week is:
This seems to have dominated my week this week, in various guises. Firstly, I have now got a slow cooker, my very first, and I am excited! Lots of people have been telling me how great they are, so I will report back on how we get on. I’ve my grocery shopping coming today, so will try a few recipes this week – I’m thinking pulled pork to christen it as the Husband loves that. And on the subject of grocery shopping, I’ve been looking at ways to reduce our spending there, which has invariably involved food! I’ve been meal-planning, as I know this helps, and the 4 year old’s been helping me by suggesting her shopping list, too! Which leads me to the time I’ve spent looking through my cook books and pinned recipes, and we’ve tried out a few new meals this week. I’ve enjoyed cooking different things, though I’ve been frustrated by the children’s reluctance to try them. Boo can be cajoled and teased (read: ‘threatened with no dessert’!), but Little Man is much trickier to crack. I will persevere, as these meals are healthier and give us more variety, and the Husband and I are eating them. The kids need to try different things, so I’m going to keep going! And, with all these thoughts of food and recipes, I’ve been baking again this week, something I’ve not done for a few weeks. It’s been good, both doing it with Boo, and eating it 😉 So yep, food has taken up a lot of my thoughts and attention this week.
What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Please grab the badge, link up and share…..

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.
Hi Jocelyn,
He he he, my favourite word! I love food, too, as you know by now! You will love that slow cooker. So annoying when the little ones are not keen to try what you have made.
I have just linked and my WotW is ‘Morning!’ x Mel
It has been frustrating, but I will not be defeated! Thanks, Mel x
Mine too! Although in fairness food could often be my word 🙂 My kids respond very well to the threat of no desert xx
Works like a charm, doesn’t it?!
What a nice word to sum up your week! I’ve got a slow cooker too but hardly ever use it – I loved pulled pork so please do let us know how that goes (and how to do it!!). I am the same in that sometimes I suddenly get incredibly anxious about the kids diets and then I make sure to source a new recipe – this week I made chicken burgers with sweetcorn, grated courgette and sweetcorn in them and they went down really well! I’ll put the recipe up on Tuesday. They included a fair bit of breadcrumbs so they were bascially like a meal in a burger with all food groups covered! X
I’ll definitely look out for that one then, thanks. Sounds good!
Great word! One I am all too familiar with! We have a tricky eater here too x
They’ve been pretty good until recently, so I’m hoping to bring them round!
I really do like your #wotw 🙂 Be really interested to know how you get along with the slow cooker as I am contemplating buying one.
Ah, I will report back then!
I’m looking forward to hearing all about your recipes. I want to find out how to make food in the slow cooker that doesn’t end up tasting exactly the same-everything I try tastes the sane!
Good luck with the new recipes 🙂
I will give it my best and will share!
Will do! Thanks x
I tried pulled pork in my slow cooker recently and it was fab! I will be watching your posts closely as I definitely don’t use mine anywhere near enough and with potentially longer work hours from September will need all the help I can get. Have fun with it! And the meal planning – I don’t plan as such but know that we have something rice based on a Monday, pasta on a Tuesday (I’m out with the girls late and this is all my partner can cook!), something meat based on Wednesday, homemade pizza Thursday, Fish & Chips Friday, fakeaway Saturday and then meat based again Sunday. If I see something on offer at the supermarket then it may be adapted to suit that. Don’t like to be too rigid!
Oh, I cannot wait to try it – tomorrow, I think! That makes sense, though, to keep to rough guidelines like that – good idea 🙂
This has to be one of my favourite words! Love Food 🙂 have fun with your slow cooker, pulled pork is great in it, we love it! Have a great weekend x all linked up x
I am looking forward to it! Have a lovely weekend, too x
I love that your words are so positive! Food is a great word 🙂 I bought a crock pot months ago, but I haven’t used it yet… Being veggie I know that I’ll generally have to cook something for me separately anyway, and I think that kind of puts me off. I really must start using it though, hopefully you will inspire me 🙂
I try to find positives! I will do my best to inspire 😉
ahhh my favourite subject! i LOVE trying new recipes but recently i’ve been stuck in a bit of a food rut…must dig out some cook books and remedy that! #WotW
It’s great to try out new recipes – I like it, just wish the kids did a bit more!
I love food, cooking and eating it (good job really as i do it for a living!) You’ll have to let us know how you get on with your new slower cooker, they do seem to be getting fairly popular now =] Glad you have had a good week! xx
Yes, it is a good job! I’ll be using the slow cooker tomorrow, so hoping it goes well! Thanks x
Ahhh! One of my favourite words!!
Mmmm! Pulled pork! Yummy! x
I can’t wait! x
Good luck with your slow cooker, hope you like it, I love mine, the best thing I have had since having children!
Ha ha – that’s quite an accolade!
A great work. Good luck with the slowcooker, I’ll share some hits with you 🙂 x
Fab, thank you 🙂
Good luck with your slow cooker – love mine, just not always organised enough to remember to use it!
Ah, yes, that’s the trick, isn’t it?!
I love slow cookers. Such great inventions, and the food really does taste good when you’ve not slaved over it in a mad panic after work! x
Yes, I think that’s surely a bonus!
It’s my first link-up with word of the week! Really excited to link-up once again. Love slow-cookers. Handy when you’re busy especially. You can actually leave it on while doing chores around the house, without having to worry about burning the dinner! Perfect for casseroles! 🙂
Yes, I like the idea that it’s on, and that’s it – no thinking about it! Thanks for joining in 🙂
Thanks very much. It’s on now, so we will see…!
Great word, good luck with the slow cooker. Love the sound of a pulled pork recipe – nom nom!
We had it yesterday – delicious! Thanks x
Sounds like a great week. I can’t wait to get a slow cooker 🙂
It’s good!!
Good word! I have the opposite- a toddler human dustbin. Which comes with its own worries!
Good luck with the slow cooker, I need to get my head around ours and start using it more often, bar steamed puddings it’s barely been used!
Mine used to be like that! That’s why I’m do determined to stop this fussiness now. The slow cooker is good. I’ll be experimenting with a few recipes.
One of little Mister’s favourite words, Food. Funny how sometimes ones week can be dominated by food especially when it comes to dealing with the children. I too have one of each, an eat all and a hmm, not sure. That’s probably why it can be a very emotive word!
Yes, probably. Easy to get caught up in it!